Tyrion & Bronn Plan For War [HD]

Tyrion plans for Siege while Bronn remains sceptical. Varys visits with great interest.

"Pig shit..."

コメント (21)
  • I love Varys’ face when Bronn said he rounded up all the known thieves, he most definitely killed some of his little birds
  • Soldier: King Stannis, they're throwing books at us! What do we do!? Stannis: Uh...
  • “Me and the lads rounded up all the known thieves” “For questioning?” “Uh, no” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • 2:47 Gotta love how Varys was able to say “That book is worthless.” In such a polite way.
  • Ohhh, this type of stuff was golden. Two intelletcuals and an experienced sellsword, engaging in conversation and battle planning. I could seriously watch an entire episode on just those three talking. It truly aches my heart to know what their characters are reduced to in the final seasons :(
  • Knowing Varys, I've no doubt he was standing in that doorway many sentences before he actually walked in. Quietly eavesdropping. Old habits probably die hard.
  • I think any sort of "high council" needs an occams razor type person like Bronn. Someone to simplify and remind people not to overcomplicate things. He knew what the problems really were and would be.
  • @Rekaert
    It's the small details that make the writing golden. Varys walking in and saying the name of the author correctly, only for Tyrion to give Bronn that "Fcking told you so!" glance. It's just easy, natural and economical storytelling.
  • @fuckel98
    @ 1:37 Varys slinking in from the dark, having dropped an eaves on the entire conversation, knowing his timing with perfection, a true player of the game.
  • @nikolai60
    "Have you ever been in a city under siege?" Look at Varys' face, he's already internally conceded the point, he's just waiting for Bronn to finish his point as he's the one who knows best.
  • I love how when Varys concedes that Bronn's tactics have a point, he starts cutting his hands again as if to say "I won", but then Varys names the archmaester and Tyrion is like "yeah, well I won that one. Maybe my wildfire plan is going to work."
  • @GhANeC
    I bet Tyrion felt at the time that it was the worst and most stressful time of his life. Being alone, with no previous military or siege or ruling experiences, and forced to figure out how to prepare a whole city and its defenses for an attack from a much higher force, commanded by a seasoned general. While all the inhabitants ungratefully and fully depended on him to save them from being in all likelihood sacked and raped and killed in masses. And all the while having to answer to a hateful sister and nephew. Who, along with their groveling followers and their Kingsguard, not only were oblivious and useless and incompetent, but were almost openly against him and could potentially at any moment find out about his secret lover and make him never know what was done with her, or use her in the worst ways against him. And yet... He was at the prime of his physical integrity, which he still had. At the sharpest, though perhaps not the wisest, of his witty political mind, which was still not weathered nor beaten by guilt and inner conflict and life. Empowered and trusted by a father who had never done so before. Missed by a brother who still loved him. Loved every night by a very "skillful" lover who was still totally devoted and loyal to him. Accompanied by the best and most reliable and most protective squire ever, as it would soon be proven, who he still had. Counselled and assisted by his most competent and arguably best friends in the world, who still fully had his back. And constantly having the upper hand on his haters, who still couldnt humiliate or destroy him. Oh my dear Tyrion, how could you have known that this was actually the best time of your life, and that it would all change so suddenly, and would unlikely ever come back...
  • I love how they both silently agreed that however Varys pronounced the name was the correct way
  • @504Diva
    For a few moments I am transported to another place and time. Very grateful for the excellent writing/acting.