Dog Vision - See What They See!

Published 2013-12-23
This is a rough simulation I rendered through the eyes of a dog. A dog's eyesight is very limited to color in respect to what we see; they can see (a lighter shade of) blue and yellow, but cannot distinguish red and green. They also have a visual acuity (contrast) of much less detail than we do. It is believed that most dogs have an eyesight equivalent from 20/50 to 20/75, however they have been known to identify their owner at a range of 800-900 meters due to their ability to visually discriminate motion (impressive)!

BTW, this is my Labrador. His name is Wilbur!


Dog Vision filter details:

(Photoshop CS5 - rendering frames from original video)
Channel Mixer values

Output Channel: Red
R= +32%
G= +85%
B= -17%

Output Channel: Green
R= +25%
G= +68%
B= +7%

Output Channel: Blue
R= -1%
G= +1%
B= +100%


(PowerDirector v12)
Visual acuity filter simulated through a configuration degree of "4" in the "Blur" effect filter.

Brightness effect reduced by a factor of 20% (this, however, does not account for lighter color tones, since there is a relative measure of brightness-detection with dogs due to their tapetum lucidum [a layer of tissue in the back of the eye which reflects visible light]).

(Video to Picture Image Converter)
Extract still frames from original video footage (.mts) from my Panasonic Lumix TS4.

(Photo Lapse 3)
Convert the edited images back to high-quality .avi format

For some reason, the recompiled video was slower, so I had to modify the length of the edited video to match the original.

Thank you for watching! As time progresses, so will my videos. Enjoy!

dichromacy color blind dogs red green blue yellow dog dogs eyesight eye vision see sees dogvision black white myth real actual accurate video footage simulation presentation

All Comments (21)
  • @connorallen1150
    if that is dog view how can he locate the ball after it was thrown
  • @98sobi
    You unfocused the camera and call it science. Bravo you did nothing
  • @Crandulator
    Must say, this is a pretty shit video. Dogs have wider peripheral vision, as you noted in your video description, but didn't show in the actualy video. They see shades of blue in place of green. They can't distinguish between stationary objects as easily as we can. E.g. A dog may have a hard time distinguishing a painting hanging on a wall from the wall itself - the painting looks to have blended into the wall. They are however excellent at separating moving objects from stationary ones. They can spot movement from several kilometers away. That of course is what makes them exceptional hunting aides. Dogs can't see details on distant objects, but they can make out details at close range. All you did was amp up the blur and fiddle with the colours. And you could at least have changed the camera perspective - brought it closer to the ground so we might kid ourselves into thinking that this really has been filmed through the eyes of a dog. 
  • @TheMarcv23
    It makes me sad that, according to this video, my dog cant see shit!
  • @harrydaly7171
    Dogs have an approximate 20/80 vision and see mostly yellow, blue and grey.
  • @Lexphoto
    I appreciate the author for trying to do a simulation, but if this were accurate, dogs could never respond to the minimal hand signals trainers give them. I personally give my dogs silent hand signals to sit, speak, shake hands (paw) etc and both my dogs do just fine. And i have to agree with other posts here that if dogs were as blind as shown, they would lose a thrown ball more often than find it. Even tho they can smell it a dog simply would lose interest quickly if they had to sniff out a ball rather than visually chase it.
  • @easypimpin123
    So without my glasses, I can't see better than a dog? Thanks YouTube!!!
  • @avaccian629
    That explains why I’m ugly and my dog still likes me
  • @beemocha they’re basically near & farsighted..this explains why their sense of smell/hearing is so strong
  • @Warchief111
    Dogs can see clearly only till 25 feet to 50ft And see in colour combination of blue & yellow, without red. but their light sensitivity it's amazing, their vision based on movement and one more sense of knowing, the 6 th sense
  • @robbiehoen
    Is there a possibility that the blurry vision depends on the breed? Because it's hard to believe that my dog has a vision like this when i see him spot mice in tall grass from 8-10 meters away and with enough acuracy to jump up and divebomb on top of them. And where i see a tiny moving dot in a field and can't tell if it's a bunny or a cat he can cleary see it's a bunny. Maybe people bred bad eyesight into some breeds by mistake? is this a plausible idea? 
  • @Codyiguess
    Can’t be, how is he tracking the ball that well?
  • @brettmyers1967
    I love my dog. I love most dogs. But the structure of a dog's eye is different from the structure of a human's eye. The structural differences cause limitations in both. I accept the video as an attempt to show the diference. That's all. We will never know exactly how well a dog can see. Unless you are Bran Stark. And he sees pretty well when he's a dog, so I guess there's that...
  • @JimDuncan9
    Wow!  That is amazing.   I always figured they could see about as well as we could not withstanding the color vs black and white issue that was prevalent years ago.  Some thought they only saw in grey.