moody atmospheric song:) - Castle Hassall - "Blaze" (a fragment) - good for a bad day:)

Castle Hassall - "Blaze" (a fragment) -official video

PLEASE "share" a link to this song to anyone you think might like it, and tell them about ‪@CastleHassall‬ PLEASE!!! it should have a lot more views than this!!!

Thanks so much to Enzo Costa for making this masterwork of an atmospheric visual for this song..

Note from Rolland at Castle Hassall:

.. This song was written after years of struggle and troubles in life, my own war really, i know we all have them.. Good luck in yours..

.. the line about "I've been straight for too many days" refers to the fact i had been trying to stop smoking tobacco and hash and weed after years of smoking them, and at the time i was feeling REALLY down and really wanted a smoke but was trying to keep a clear head to see if i could build up my life and face my struggles, not just keep on tranquilising myself with drugs to mask the pain.. i wanted to try to face my troubles and combat them and heal the traumas and deal with and fix and heal and improve the situations in my life and in the world, that were weighing so heavily on my heart.. but that line, those words, can mean many things really on different days to different people in our struggles in life i think...

you can see my quest to rebuild my life, my video updates on ways i find help(or are good to avoid) to beat depression and crisis in life at my other channel "potential techniques" (@PotentialTechniques )

I'll be doing live streams of me writing songs at Castle Hassall TV too (@CastleHassallTV )

please press "like" and "subscribe" and share links to my songs, and check out my other songs at "Castle Hassall" (@CastleHassall ) that would help me a lot to cheer up my day,

it has been a rough ride and it would be Great to have you along for the journey to see if we can build up our lives to how we hope they can be

you can email me any time at [email protected] (i am really rubbish at checking my emails regularly but i WILL get back to you, it may take a few weeks though as i sometimes just can't handle technology and need to hide away from the world, if you can relate to that that is Great!

thanks so much for listening

i hope my songs mean something to you.. you can hear the rest of my songs at Castle Hassall on YouTube, and on Rumble soon for if YouTube ever start to delete free thinkers who value liberty and freedom of thought..

Peace everyone.. Spread love.. But don't let bullies try to dominate us in our lives or the world if you can stop them please do!.. but protect your freedom, without it we can't do anything!..

thankyou to all those who have given their lives or liberty to build up and protect our freedom and rights over the thousands of years humanity have been on this Earth..

Best wishes to you all Always
from Rolland
at Castle Hassall

Saturday the 17th of December Bonnie Scotland on the edges of the Atlantic

(link to my full channel of songs on YouTube is here: @CastleHassall )

if you want to donate to help me rebuild my life after tough times I've created this link so you can help me.. it's via "stripe" which I think is Elon Musk's invention..

thanks so much if you do!

I'm hoping to build up to being able to get my own place to stay one day thanks so any donation is hugely welcome.


please email me any time at "[email protected]" any time you would like to talk (or to let me know if your have made a donation!

I'm not asking for any email addresses or anything like that in the donations link so it would be really nice to hear from you if your want to let me know you sent a donation..

I'm thinking I'll give private concerts to some people who make donations as that would be a really nice thing to do, so please definitely email me to tell me if you've made a donation to me via the link and you'd like me to play you some songs via my phone to your!:) that would be really nice to do

please do not donate if you are broke.. the most important thing to me in my life is I want to be remembered as a guy who helped others feel better in life so it would be really nice to hear from you via an email if you ever want to be in touch, even if you don't want to donate to help rebuild my life!

the most important thing is you are ok! I've had many tough years and I would not want anyone going broke to help me..

the biggest thing you could do for me is be in touch and tell me if you feel my songs helped you or to hear from you to chat with and find ways to make life and our moments good and to build up good links with good hearted people such as yourself.. I get lonely on my own some days and hugely value hearing from you

Best wishes to you Always
from Rolland
at Castle Hassall

Hey I've set up a Telegram channel! I've no idea how to use it but if you want to message me, and to join the Castle Hassall Telegram Group so we can message each other it's at this link

コメント (8)
  • Hey folks i made a playlist of my songs so you can get to them easily if you like this one you're listening to now.. The playlist is at this link on YouTube… Maybe one day this song will be remembered as a good one.. I wrote it after about a few decades of what felt like too often really tough times Things are tough right now and there were times i nearly never made it, with the crazy events in my life that happened and just through the pressure of it all sometimes, so i just want to say while i have free chance to that I hope life will be good for you, and don't give your time to people who do not appreciate you.. and please try to do the things you want to do in life before it is too late to, and don't let your doubts about your own abilities stop you from putting your creations out there or doing what you wanted to do in life.. Loads of Love to you for if you ever need any love Best wishes from Rolland at Castle Hassall Friday the 21st of April 2023 ..on the edge of The Atlantic
  • Thankyou so much to Enzo for making this video for my song.. it really says how i feel..
  • Very nice Rolland. Nice moody video! Sounds great!! 👍🏻👍🏻
  • @alley9
    Thank you Rolland for posting my video!! Awesome song!!
  • @Tyro74
    Great work man, please keep it up.