DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT I ALWAYS WANT MORE - The Truth About Why We Can't Resist Striking Out

Published 2022-10-24
In this video, I'm sharing with you why I believe that being ungrateful is one of the biggest problems facing our generation. Too often we let our wants get the best of us. We become focused on our wants instead of our needs and we end up struggling to get the things we want. As a result, we become unhappy and unfulfilled. In this video, I'm sharing with you why I believe that being ungrateful is one of the biggest problems facing our generation. I hope that by sharing this story, you'll begin to see how important it is to be grateful for the things that we have and to focus on what's important in life. @Rose Buhr  Why do I always want more out of life? Is my life never enough? I want more material possessions, more attention and love, more friends, better friends, a better home, a newer car. There is no end to what I want. I want, I want, I want! Do you have enough to eat, does anyone love or care about you, do you have somewhere to live, do you live in a free country, do you have freedom of speech? Why is enough never enough? Is it human nature to want more and more, to want an abundance of everything? Ungratefulness can lead to feelings of anxiety. If you want more out of your life start by being grateful for what you already have.

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