The stark contrast between Keir Starmer and 'corrupt' Tory governments | James O'Brien on LBC

As Keir Starmer appoints his cabinet and ditches the Rwanda plan, James O'Brien praises the new Prime Minister and contrasts his behaviour to 'corruption' from previous Tory governments.

Starmer says he will not continue with the previous Conservative government’s policy to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, stressing: “The Rwanda scheme was dead and buried before it started. It’s never been a deterrent."

Rights activists had criticised the plan to deport people to Rwanda rather than handle asylum claims at home.

However, James wonders if the optimism towards Starmer is because the 'grown-ups are back in charge' or just because 'we've got rid of the last lot.'

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コメント (21)
  • @Alex-cw3rz
    His cabinet appointments alone show that this ridiculous idea that they are all the same is utter nonsense.
  • I have not been a fan of Keir Starmer in the past, but the contrast between his professionalism and the chaotic, self serving amateurism of the Tories is astounding. They should be in opposition for a generation.
  • @Simalacrum
    So far Kier Starmer has delivered some perfectly dull, uninteresting and sensible politics, which makes for a very nice breath of fresh air.
  • This streak of 4 days without any nonsense feels like a new record
  • My father messaged me on Friday saying for the first time since the brexit vote that he genuinely felt the first shoots of hope for the country again. Brought tears to my eyes.
  • It feels like the adults have finally stepped in. A huge sense of relief!
  • Politicians "Are All The Same" 😢Apart from the honest ones, the competent ones, the dedicated ones, that is !😂😂😂😂
  • @juffjaff
    I voted Green as I support more progressive policies but I'm glad serious humans are back in charge at last!
  • Fed up already of right wing commentators nostalgic about the ‘past’ and stating this government is already failing. Go home, look yourself in the mirror, feel shame, have a sleep for 5 years, come back better
  • Ppl call Starmer boring!!! Politics is meant to be boring and if it’s not it’s because there is a crisis or scandal!!
  • This labour government actually looks like a government that wants to serve the interests of the nation and not the party
  • Well the new health secretary being a cancer survivor does give me a more hope about the future handling of the NHS.
  • @MiPointIs
    Starmer’s speech was excellently delivered and of a quality that we have not heard from a PM for a long time. Over the last 6 months the shadow cabinet has been preparing for office in order to ensure there was no delay once they were elected, demonstrating their mature commitment to delivering Labour promises. A PM whose background has been predominantly in Human Rights law is a stark contrast to a PM whose background has been in offshore banking, tax havens and hedge funds.
  • @ntw3002
    Imagine the absolute confusion of every tory as they watch Starmer picking people who can do a job, to do the job. Doesn't he have mates to pay? Idiots in his party who need to be kept busy? What's all this professionalism supposed to be for?
  • Feeling cautiously optimistic. Like there's an actual adult in charge.
  • The image of Mogg, the “minister for Brexit Opportunities and government efficiency” stretched out across the benches in Westminster is still etched on my mind. How are you Brits still impressed with such pomp and arrogance ? He still got over 15,000 votes! The mind boggles, you need to work on your obsession with class. The empire is finished