AI & Sound Frequencies Stop War? | Monika Demmler | Ignite

Published 2024-07-28
Monika Demmler, an artist and academic with a PhD in biophilia and the aesthetics of blues, jazz, and hip-hop, is pioneering the use of sound frequencies to promote peace and emotional well-being. Inspired by Einstein's alleged concept of a "love bomb," her upcoming album "Love Bomb" aims to harness specific frequencies to foster love and tranquility. Integrating AI to craft and measure the emotional impact of her music, Demmler envisions a future where music serves practical functions, such as alleviating depression and providing mental clarity, ultimately striving to use her art to make the world more peaceful and loving.

Dr. Monika Demmler, based in Los Angeles with roots in Berlin, is a versatile artist and academic who blends her expertise in ecological metaphysics with her musical talents as a composer, multi-instrumentalist, DJ, and speaker. Holding a PhD, she translates complex philosophical concepts into diverse musical genres, as evidenced by her 2022 releases "Princess" (a mix of krautrock, shoegaze, and punk) and "Zucker" (an avant-garde techno-deep house production). Demmler's innovative approach aims to create new sonic experiences that push boundaries and are deeply informed by her academic research.

More about Dr. Monika Demmler:

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