Miss America Pageant: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2014-09-21
The Miss America Pageant…how is this still a thing?
They claim to give more scholarships to women than any other organization, and, unfortunately, they’re right.
To illustrate these problems, John Oliver stages his own pageant with the help of Kathy Griffin.

Here are the links to the women's scholarship funds that John mentioned on air:
Society of Women Engineers: societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/
Jeanette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund: www.rankinfoundation.org
Patsy Mink Foundation: www.patsyminkfoundation.org

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The girl that got that ISIS question is smarter and more well spoken the man that owned that pagent
  • @chimchimcharoo56
    these pageant girls are asked questions that presidential nominees couldnt answer
  • @sayimjustadreamer
    The segment actually spurred major changes in how the pageant reported "scholarships made available" and was part of the road to the pageant's downfall. The swimsuit competition is gone now, and the pageant is no longer broadcast on TV.
  • @WhimsicalBlades
    Ah yes, let's all reminice about a simpler time, a purer time, an innocent time. 40 years ago, 2014.
  • @Dasher-qr8lf
    To the girl who answered the ISIS question.... You have my respect.
  • @monsterlair
    I'm really getting addicted to John Oliver videos.
  • @jaydirt316
    “It is a little ironic that the Ms America beauty pageant is overseen by one of the ugliest souls on the planet” is some on the nose foreshadowing. I was waiting for John to finish with “Imagine if he ever became president?” then burst out laughing.
  • @AnonymousXeno
    The fact that ‘The Nation’ and ‘The World’ are seen as interchangeable for Americans makes me irrationally annoyed at no one in particular
  • @jdog7235
    John Oliver, hating Trump since before it was cool.
  • @sacrieur7899
    "In fact the President ..." With a photo of Barack Obama ... My brain was like : "Wait ... WTF how old is this video !"
  • @My1xT
    "that is a borderline better answer the the president gave last week" and that at a time where that was actually a challenge
  • @sidjohnson9413
    I honestly have never seen a more accurate portrayal of hyperfocus as when he pulled out the giant stack of tax returns
  • @Aevintyra
    Remember when it was a funny joke to imply that a beauty pageant contestant had a better grasp of a complex foreign policy issue than the president did?
  • @beaker8111
    Remember when Trump was a joke, instead of a credible threat to our democracy? Good times....
  • "You wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful." Ladies and Gentlemen, the now president of the United States.
  • @AsadtheTutor
    "And at this point, we had to stop, because it was 35 minutes ago, and we had to tape this show." Classic.
  • @Styner09
    It's wild to see that a comedian is the world's last investigative journalist.
  • Here in Norway, all university education is free. And the state provides a loan for living expences. The rate is about 2.5%. And around 25% of the yearly loan is given as a stipend if you pass all your classes.