Massachusetts’s latest bill is 'straight out of' George Orwell’s 1984

Sky News host James Morrow says Massachusetts’s latest bill is “straight out of” George Orwell’s 1984.

The Massachusetts Senate have voted to update the state’s parentage law, which includes replacing ‘mother’ with ‘person who gave birth’.

“It is an attack on the families,” Mr Morrow told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

“It’s something straight out of George Orwell.

“This is exactly what the newspeak was in 1984, that he warned against.

“But of course these people think 1984 was an instruction manual.”

コメント (21)
  • @jannevellamo
    When children are considered property of the state, the concept of parentage becomes a threat to the state.
  • @dwayne7356
    As an American, it is a shame I have to watch Sky News to learn how extreme wokeness is in some states.
  • No Kackula, we have 11 million people that need to be sent home now. Let all these "hardworking " folks go fix their OWN countries.
  • @RandumbTech
    I live in MA and have to get my local news from Australia. Great. Just great.
  • @jojorey6886
    Another reason to be ashamed of saying I’m from Massachusetts.
  • @KevinRoy-p9k
    This is exactly why we moved out of that state a year ago! A liberal hell-hole!!!
  • This bill is the dumbest shit ive heard in my life. Theres no housing anywhere, but lets worry about this. Wtf
  • @Gamble661
    As a Massachusetts resident I'm both disgusted and not at all surprised.
  • @GreyMarano
    I was born in west Massachusetts, raised in Florida. Massachusetts is ridiculous politically!
  • @karlostj4683
    Next up, Massachusetts will arrest anyone who dares to call their mother "mom" or their father "dad".
  • So sick of this crap. We need to take a stand and take back our government. This country was built by the people for the people. We need to take that back. No more government control.
  • @lorigarza9971
    They have said 11 milion people are in the US illegally for probably 40 million people ago.
  • @mrdovie47
    Live FREE or D. E. I. The Choice is Ours.
  • “The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.” ~ George Orwell, '1984'
  • @ddl6703
    This is what’s important to these people ? Not how our state is a mess with overwhelming immigrants ?
  • @Dam508BrJ
    I was born raised and unfortunately still live here… I grew up proud of my hometown and home state… but I am now absolutely ashamed at what they are doing here…. Whether people like him or not, we need President Trump back now more than ever!!!!!! Trump 2024!!!!!
  • I am from Massachusetts and I had no idea this law went through the Senate. I am absolutely disgusted.