"It Amounts To Deception!" | NHS Staff LAUGH At A&E Patient's 46-Hour Wait

Published 2024-06-26
Staff at Royal Shewsbury Hospital have come under fire after they were caught on film laughing about how they weren't hitting targets after they admitted one of their patients had already waited 46 hours for care.

Former NHS Chairman, Roy Lilley explains to Talk's Kevin O'Sullivan that even though the laughing may be seen as "black humour" by some people, staff should not be doing it. He says: "It's disgusting."

Kevin says: "You go in with a broken leg, you want to be seen a bit quicker than that."

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All Comments (21)
  • @TG-ts3xn
    Open borders and an NHS is laughable.
  • @Drewtheelder
    Two issues in the election, the cost of living and the NHS, BS, what about the boats?
  • I worked in the care sector for years I ran a domicillary care agency and was a manager of one of the top homes for ppl with dementia. I left why? All I saw was government cut backs to social care . And don't get met started on the private sector that rips families off!. The nhs needs a complete overhaul get rid of the top heavy management system, the diversity officers and get back to basics "caring for people!"
  • @raven3212
    Nursing is supposed to be the caring profession, but I see none of that here. Our society has totally lost it's way, and it's sad to witness.
  • @TwistedTiara
    My daughter, 7 months pregnant, already had a collapsed lung 8 years ago, coughing up clumps of blood was made to wait for 8 hours, she was given a bed but went outside for air as she was feeling sick and her bed was given to someone else, she had to stand for ages as all the seats were taken as well, there must have been at least 150 people waiting to be seen, absolutely disgusting. The NHS needs to be stripped from the top all the way down, get rid of the DEI shite and the woke/trans crap as well, it's a friggin joke and we pay for this terrible service, if this was a different business it would have been shut down. Make foreigners pay for their treatment and stop illegals abusing it also, giving them free dental care when I've been kicked out my dentist after 50 years being there.
  • @annieevans
    If you have nearly 1000 people a day coming into the country, no wonder the NHS is overwhelmed. 27.000 people across the channel to date THIS YEAR.
  • @tjj4lab
    Absolutely no one should be surprised at this. The NHS spent a couple of years laughing at us over Covid. While we were under house arrest, they were in empty hospitals being so bored there was a massive spate of Tiktok dance routines, by dozens of staff at once in completely empty wards. None of them spoke up and told us it was all a lie. Who wouldn't want to get paid to go to work, with no actual work to do?
  • The NHS is a "Sacred Cow" that will never allow itself to be reformed. The levels of bureaucracy have been in power for a lifetime and will defeat any measure to "change" the NHS. Politicians are not powerful enough to reform the NHS. If you cannot stop the boats how do you think you can improve the NHS? The NHS will cry, "More money." And that is it!
  • @valprince5455
    I pay a thousand pounds a week for my mother in care with severe dementia, she has been there two years so far, do the maths! She had a fall at home and was admitted to hospital. Doctor told me she had to go into care as I could not cope with her deteriorating condition, she is 88yrs and I’m 65 yrs . Social care must become a priority
  • @chris-913
    My sister's bf is a HCA in A&E and says that apart from the constant 'sickness' days taken by staff, when they are actually at work they are on a go slow! She has been told by her boss not to rush as she'll "get no thanks for it". she says nurses are often sat around on the computer looking busy but actually just chatting together whilst patients wait in agony. Another says they have been told not to wake the on-call doctor unless it's a life or death emergency. Even when it is a life or death situation doctors will just not attend, particularly for the older patients. So many people are dying of strokes and sepsis. She says it's as though nobody wants to do any work. Patients are often ignored or told off for complaining. The elderly are just left in corridors until the next shift. Patients who have a family member with them are treated better than others. People are dying in corridors or side rooms and just left there for hours. I am terrified that I may end up in A&E one day.
  • @colynnburrell
    Call a spade a spade. Our wards are choked with immigrants elderly relatives.
  • @ML-xh1go
    Doctors who run surgeries should be paid for the patients they see, NOT how many there are on their books, my neighbour says he told the doctor that they were just a call centre,
  • @ML-xh1go
    The government closed our small hospital that use to take those from hospital who needed rehabilitation before going home, so no bed blocking,our country is not only broken it is over populated with immigration, hundreds of thousands of refugees that we were not acquitted to deal with,
  • I live in Shrewsbury. This is the hospital which has had a major scandal in the maternity unit. Hundreds of babies died or were brain damaged. Mothers also died. Staff blamed mothers for the death of their baby. This is not due to underfunding or to creeping privatisation. Look it up.
  • put our tax money into our hospitals ,and stop paying paying it to fighting age men in 5 star hotels ,,
  • @Casper-we3dq
    My mother was admitted into A&E with a broken femur. She lay there for 3 days and when we asked when were they going to operate they said they were dealing with emergencies first. I firmly pointed out that she was an emergency. 30 minutes later they came back and said they would now operate. I wonder how long she would have had to lay there in pain if we hadn't said something.
  • I don't think they're laughing at the patients. I was recently advised to go urgently to A&E (London) by a triage nurse on the 111 service after an accident. Despite being told my case was urgent, I was in the waiting room for 17 hours and considered myself lucky. There were others there when I arrived who had terrible injuries and were in dire need. It was horrible. I felt bad for the nurses as well. They weren't sitting around laughing, they were run off their feet and all looked exhausted. Some of the patients were a real handful too and trying to push to the front of the queue, and you'd end up torn between sympathy for them because they were in pain, and anger because everybody else was also in pain but was waiting their turn. The place seemed totally understaffed, and the doctors and nurses were drowning in backlog. Absolute state of the NHS.
  • @CTE-hs2qe
    4 hours! My partner has just got home from 26 hour waiting with staff bringing beds in the hall from the side rooms and the rooms were empty. They were lying saying the rooms were full when nobody was even in there. NHS is shocking, we are paying for NHS and most of the staff are incompetent in doing there jobs.