A Quick Tour of the New Lyme Disease Guideline

Published 2021-11-09

All Comments (10)
  • @mikegilbert4563
    Someone who actually has had Lyme disease should have been consulted, then it would have been worthwhile. Anyone with chronic lyme will tell you that those guidelines are very limited cut and dry. IMO
  • There need to be added emphasis on the possibilities of contracting and checking for multiple infections, which are increasingly becoming the norm. I was treated for Lyme and never got better. A year later, I was found to also have contracted Babesiosis and ehrlichiosis. I probably had one or two of these for a while, unknowingly, but I’m not positive. No one would ever think to look for these infections. I live in a state with supposed low incidence, but I personally know more than twenty people who have Lyme, many who deal with long-term effects.
  • Well, these guidelines are typically half-assed. Long-term Lyme disease is perfect storm for utter contempt for the medical profession.
  • I’m also curious as to the 10 day treatment guideline. I believe there is some evidence around now that Lyme can persist, as shown in animal studies and a review of autopsies of Lyme patients. We know for sure that symptoms persist for many, and can be severe. I can believe that 30 days is no more effective than 10 days, but does that speak more to the resistant of the infection than it does to effectiveness of treatment? I tend to think so. I also am skeptical of the statements that Lyme cannot be passed through birth, as there have been many cases that show otherwise. Bottom line is that we need much better research and better treatments. If the only measurements of Lyme infection are inaccurate tests that measure antibodies in the bloodstream, then we have a ways to go. All of this is my opinion, formed by much personal research with strong evidence pointing to these facts.
  • @hopedealer5738
    I sent the to my mom and husband last night. I was only 23yrs old, I woke up sick, I'm now 47. They just keep tossing me around. I have seizures, bp bottoming but the dialstic dysfunction no worries. It was 60/47 at my tilt table...oh, and my dad has been sick 26yrs. My brain is changing and I feel it Mom, I know you've heard about ME/CFS and lyme disease. And I'm sure you've read things, trying your best to understand. I can understand WHY you don't understand. 👀👀👁👁 but the really important thing's are what you need to understand. And I'm not trying to sound rude whatsoever. (Under my skin) About the documentary, you said you don't know why it wouldn't be covered by ins. It doesn't seem like it would cost more than any other disease. That is why both have so many myths. That's exactly why. That's what they want families; friends; people who have only heard about it. To confuse them. They're still winning this battle. It's not just about me or dad. Any person around the world. It is the US naming it chronic FATIGUE syndrome. So the FATIGUE stood out, downplaying it even more. Even a comedian made fun of it. When Eric and I were at the Dels. I came downstairs so excited because he said. CFS and I thought he was bringing awareness to it. Eric watched it and said, he's making fun of it💔💔💔 The insurance is a hugh factor. There's up to date information about corruption in both ME & chronic lyme. People who are literally crawling. I've crawled to my bathroom and back. When I'm able to go downstairs, & it hits me. I'm crawling back up and to my bed. And being told the same thing for decades. While we are decaying. Including our organs. I can see why you would think people with certain diseases are way worse off. There's different degrees to every disease. Mild moderate severe to totally have to rely on everyone else for everything. I'm not trying to say what's worse and what isn't. Or downplaying any of it. And People with Lyme or ME we're not being overdramatic. Both are absolutely downplayed throughout the world. I'm not living their life and them not living mine. It's not a competition. Some ppl seriously tries making it that way. That's why I stopped going to other groups. It sucks that anyone has to be sick. That doesn't take a way from me or dad. Lyme is nicknamed the Shame disease. That's exactly what it is. I feel total shame. The guilt. Regardless, who it comes from, say it's not our fault. Then, turn around, and not intentionally, making us feel guilt. We're not blind or deaf. We see body language and hear remarks. I'm also not taking away from you or Eric, how this affects all your lives as well. Then Eric having something similar to this. Dr. Everman can't test him though. There's no reason 🙄🙄and that's not his fault. He met with my team. So any information he's getting are from the specialists. And an inf disease dr is refusing to see me. BUT, It's not my fault! Why are we not to feel like VICTIMS, when it's kinda hard being a VICTOR continuing to lose, hearing the exact same words. Eric's been in the woods, fishing, surrounded by ticks? But, doesn't qualify for the test. It's traumatic for everyone involved, affecting families. How can we turn that around on them🤔🤔 maybe my lil paper trail will finally pay off..it may be to late for me, only God knows that answer. And He knows I'm not being pessimistic using these words. CAN one person make a difference? Maybe that one person will start with me. Getting a movement going as passionate as people are w trump and Biden. People don't know enough to get as passionate like all of us living it. And it is torture, for all of us. I pray Lord, I'm screaming out to you, God, show me the way. Forgive me, Lord, continually doubting myself. When I doubt myself, I'm doubting You. When I'm in a battle, Lord, You showed us, however small or however big. You are in charge of who goes down. Whatever Goliath, even as big as pharmaceutical industry's. Whatever medical boards. We have plenty of WARRIORS waiting to fight. Knowing the facts, and stopping as many families as we possibly can from our pain. Helping us and our families, Lord. The most important part, You are the Director of this non-fiction reality show. We the people are WARRIORS, against such inhumane crimes. It's You and it's Your Law, Lord, that we're chasing. I believe I'm feeling Your confirmation. I pray You guide me, Lord, Directing me in the right path. Remove the bad thoughts in my heart and my head. In all circumstances, I pray to give it to You. Giving all of us just peace that only You can give🛐☮✝️ In Jesus precious Name -Amen.
  • @Tinyteacher1111
    My 36 year-old son feels like he is dying from Lyme and Babesia, and anaplasmosis. He’s in so much pain all over his body and has developed the most severe case his doctor has seen. His head pressure headaches feel like razor blades in his brain. This escalated with having Covid in January, but he had this prior when he was exposed to mold at his father’s house. This pain all over, but especially his brain, has been going on for 7 months, and he’s ready to commit suicide because of the pain but doesn’t want to die! I’m so scared because he went back to his father’s house and his dad has done nothing to remediate the house, so he’s back in the mold that started this whole thing two years ago! I need a hospital for him, or he’s going to die or commit suicide. He has meat allergy, mast cells, is allergic to everything, his nervous system and psychological systems have gone off the deep end! He’s delusional, paranoid, looks up symptoms constantly, says he’s calling 911, but he’s been to 4 hospitals around here with nothing! They send him home and tell him it’s anxiety! It is, but what’s the cause if the anxiety? He’s on Malarone and Zithromax right now. But, he calls me all day long because he’scared and feels like he needs further treatment and he’s not getting better! He needs something for pain and some relief! I’m so scared and mad about this situation! He was told by two doctors not to say “Lyme” to any doctors. That’s like saying “bomb” in an airport! This is the most ridiculous thing that you can’t tell anyone about having Lyme! Do they think it doesn’t exist? It’s in every state! Please give me sone advice! I’m in Michigan, but will travel to anywhere that has a facility for him to feel like he’s being cared for! This is petty, I know, but why is this man making these smacking mouth noises? I couldn’t listen to what he was saying because of that. I’m sorry.
  • @HeyMJ.
    Thank you for providing updated Lyme Disease guidelines & recommendations, developed collaboratively across a wide array of specialties & disciplines.
  • Wow! You need to stay as far away from Lyme patients as is humanly possible......🤦‍♂️😡