Published 2023-04-16
I'm Dr. Carlos and today I want to talk about the effects of quitting sugar for 15 days. I've seen many patients struggle with withdrawal symptoms when they try to give up sugar because sugar is highly addictive, even more so when it's consumed regularly. You may not even realize you consume sugar daily because it's hidden in many foods, such as sauces, bread, and crackers. In this video, I'll explain the changes you may notice in your body after quitting sugar for two weeks.

Some people worry that quitting sugar will cause hypoglycemia, fainting, or other negative side effects. However, our bodies can produce glucose from sources other than sugar, such as starches, fats, and proteins. Thus, quitting sugar is entirely safe and can benefit people with metabolic problems. It's unnecessary to quit sugar forever; taking a break can help you overcome addiction and develop a healthier relationship with it.

Here are ten things you may experience after quitting sugar for 15 days:

You'll feel like you quit an addiction, and you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, nausea, or anger. If you do experience these symptoms, you are addicted to sugar.

You'll be less hungry, as consuming sugar frequently causes glucose and insulin spikes, which can interfere with hormones that regulate hunger, such as leptin and ghrelin.

You'll feel less tired as the glucose and insulin spikes caused by sugar consumption can lead to a sugar rush followed by a crash.

You may lose weight by losing fat and water when you have more control over your glucose and insulin spikes, and your metabolism starts to regulate.

Your skin may improve, as sugar consumption can lead to inflammation and affect the collagen in your skin.

You may experience fewer mood swings, as sugar can impact your mood, and consuming it frequently can lead to crashes and irritability.

You may improve your dental health, as sugar consumption can lead to cavities and tooth decay.

You may reduce your risk of chronic diseases, as consuming too much sugar is linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Your taste buds may change, as quitting sugar can make you more sensitive to sweetness and help you appreciate other flavors.

You'll have more control over your food choices and be less likely to crave sugar regularly.

In conclusion, quitting sugar for a short period can have significant positive impacts on your health, including reducing hunger, tiredness, and inflammation, improving your mood, and reducing your risk of chronic diseases. So, if you're addicted to sugar or want to improve your overall health, give it a try and see what positive changes you can experience!

1:15 Is it dangerous to stop eating sugar?
1:44 You can make glucose out of this
2:37 So, should I NEVER eat sugar again?
3:08 You’ll feel that you quit an addiction
3:46 You’ll be less hungry
4:19 Big glucose spikes = Tiredness
5:43 Losing weight is a big benefit
6:57 You want some emotional control?
7:45 Also mental clarity
8:30 Your skin will be prettier
10:01 Less rigid joints
10:45 Food will taste different, even better
11:44 You can reduce cardiovascular disease and cancer risk
13:11 There're real benefits on doing so

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Dr. Carlos Jaramillo publishes these videos for educational purposes but they do not represent any therapeutic recommendation for any person so the follow-up of their indications is the individual responsibility and not the responsibility of the creator of the content.

Always remember that in Functional Medicine the origin of the disease is sought and the symptoms are not treated.
Film Director & Post Production: Pipe Orjuela Bustillo

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All Comments (21)
  • @Zen_Rose
    The beauty of life is that once we change, our bodies forgive our bad habits and start to heal.
  • @cece8650
    I took the 15 day challenge and it was amazing. I stopped eating processed foods with hidden sugars (which is everything commercial almost). I liked a scone or cookie with my coffee. Most of my snacking was processed, so I thought out substitutes (like blueberries -- sweet, but low glycemic). I ate avocadoes, walnuts, an egg, an apple or a piece of steak or salmon when I needed something! Instead of ice cream I ate frozen blueberries (low glycemic & cold!) I made stir-fry suppers with frozen veggies (for convenience), olive oil and a good protein, instead of a quick processed meal. No french fries (starchy sugars). Here were the benefits. Insomnia went away. I literally sleep through the night. I truy had more energy. Brain fog is 90% gone. I added another 2 weeks and decided I did not want to go back to sugar. I want good health and it was up to me. My skin stopped itching and just looked better. After 7 months a "sun spot:" on my face disappeared. My stomach started getting flatter (a sign of a healthier liver). Inflammation and aches went away. I can lift my legs to get into pants (balance better). Walked 2-3x/week (to my ability). I know my immune system is stronger. I feel 10 years younger and am not suffering, so this has become a life style. I feel better. At 7 months, I have lost 49 lbs. I am much healthier. Try it for 2 weeks to get past the cravings and think ahead on hunger/snack substitutes. Not that hard! I kept my coffee! I'm not going back. Wish you well and better health!
  • I’ve had no sugar for 6 months. No processed foods at all. Very low carb. Keto: fish, eggs, leafy vegetables, onions, mushrooms, cheese, nuts. black coffee, herb teas. I’ve lost over a stone, feel full, have more energy. All my sugar cravings have disappeared. My doctor said everything is better - cholesterol down, blood sugar down, heart rate perfect, blood pressure perfect. No aching, sleeping better. My self esteem has rocketed. Don’t miss junk food at all. Everyone tells me how good I look. Everything he says has happened to me. I’m nearly 70 and feel 20 years younger.
  • @MarcelGodfrey
    I quit sugar two months ago & my health has never been so good. Sugar is a highly addictive poison…🕊
  • @bettyfrey4913
    I’m in Cancer treatment right now and Cancer loves sugar… got rid of the sugar and lost 16 pounds and feeling good!
  • @winniegib31
    I have not had sugar for about 25 years. Maybe I get enough in a little bread or food but sugar itself makes me very ill. I learned to drink my coffee black instead of the sugar I used to put in it. I have not had an ice cream in over 20 years. The last ice cream made me very ill. I am now 92 years old and still have the energy to cook my meals and clean my house. I still function but with a certain amount of severe RA. Am a cancer survivor. Still live alone in my home and gardens. Doing quite well. Very small and weigh around 95 lbs. My mentality is still sharp,. I still do artwork and hobbies. Who needs sugar? I did not like sugar as a child. My mom would make hot cocoa for use in the winter time and it was so sweet I could not tolerate it. Also sweet ice tea and I still cannot drink sweet tees
  • @dianapugh1534
    Suffered terrible arthritis in my knees, have managed to stop eating sugar as it takes the pain away. As soon as i start eating sugar again the pains come back.
  • @bonniem5384
    I haven't had any surgar since May of this year. Little to no carbs, no processed food and no other sweenters. At 52 I haven't felt better. The 34lbs weight doesn't hurt either. Everyone that is quiting sugar, you rock. It really is a poision.
  • @bigdogpete43
    What works for me. OMAD 3 days/wk. 2MAD 3 days/wk. Fast on Fridays. Eat nothing that has a label. If they have to tell you what is in it, you don't need it.
  • I’m 45 and have terrible memory, joint popping, and gastrointestinal bloating so I started to cut out sugar and caffeine. I can tell you that this doctor is right. 1st couple of days I was sluggish. And had to pee a lot. I couldn’t even sleep! However, I did notice no more gassy tummy. I’m now on day 7 and I can sleep. My focus at work is way better and so is my memory. I have more energy and fruits and veggies taste better! I drink tea now and eat fruit for energy. I’ve had to prepare my meals so I can actually control sugar. I still have cravings but I just tell myself I can have it tomorrow, then I forget about whatever I was craving.
  • In 1986 I weighed 254 lb. I quit sugar that year. I now weigh 119 lbs.It was the hardest thing I ever did. Cigarettes was easier. It is hard because. So many things have sugar in products for no reason other than keeping you addicted.. I am 77 and feel great! Hang in there.
  • @Natasha-cl9uq
    1. You dont need sugar to make glucose or energy 2. You’re gonna feel you quit an addiction 3. You’ll be less hungry 4. You’ll feel less tired 5. You’ll lose weight. Your body will use fat as glucose 6. You’ll have more control over your emotional. 7. You’ll have more mental clarity when youre not addicted to sugar 8. Your skin will get healthier and clearer 9. Less rigid joints 10. You’ll start taste different, better, more flavorful. Youre gonna recover your taste 11. You can reduce cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • @mariee.5912
    Warning when you quit sugar cold turkey you might get cold like symptoms, moody and tired. However, the benefits are amazing. After a while everything tastes too sweet and you don't want to eat it anymore.
  • @Simon-pl2zi
    I'm 6 weeks sugar free. I still eat sweet whole food like dates, sultanas and fruit but I don't eat processed food with added sugar. The addiction and cravings took a full 30 days for me to get over. I also quit alcohol, bread, pasta, cookies, crackers cake. Within a month my sleep apnea was cured. My quality of life has improved drastically. I am not going back to eating the old way anymore, the pay load is too good now.
  • @RLB52
    I quit eating sugar 5 months ago today. My weight went from 214 to 178. Don’t want to go back to earring sugar.
  • @tomm5228
    Keto since January lost 59 pounds minus 2 meds, feeling fantastic
  • @paulpach
    I quit sugar and other simple carbs a while ago. When I walked by a bakery, I felt like a shark smelling blood. The smell of pastries caused an insane urge. Fortunately that stopped after a few weeks. Every meal was weird, I was full but I still felt hungry. My body was used to being full = sugar rush. I had to learn that those are separate things. The withdrawal was no joke.
  • Well said. I quit sugar 3 weeks ago. Everything you said happened to me. I feel better than I've felt in years.