Tips on hunting the rut

Published 2012-11-06
Ike gives a few tips and tricks on hunting the rut.

All Comments (21)
  • I completly agree that the dominant grunt is not a good thing. Its the same around here, There is only 1 dominant buck around. Were in more populated areas there are 6 or more. So by using that agressive grunt your more than likely to scare away bucks rather than bring em in. Great video Ike.
  • I got a little piece of information rather it is relevant or not. I've been hunting since I was old enough to go with my dad, about 33yrs now (I'm 36). I'm an Army Veteran of our most recent wars, with tons of training as well as training others both as a MP and civilian LEO...I'm well versed in camo, evasion, and marksmanship, but I was shocked to see that none of this matters worth a damn when hunting. I had quite a few years of nothing more than "stories" to show for my years of hunting alone. I started looking deep inside and researched as much as possible and noticed something extremely important. in fact, down right astonishing. Having 90% of my closest friends that are die hard hunter's themselves, I tried to evaluate each person's style and success percentage. everyone has at least one friend that's a certifiable "gear queer"...that being said, I compared them to a few Amish hunters I know, and they never left the woods empty handed. The Amish always had a successful hunt, yet they used nothing more than their respective weapon. Now if you know the Amish culture, you'll know they don't abide by modern practices which includes a modern man's personal hygiene. not being rude, just stating fact. so we as hunter's utilize every tool available to ensure a successful hunt, yet it's hit or miss with us. on the other hand, the Amish use no cover scent, estrus calls or scents, and certainly never high dollar clothing such as scent blocker, dead down wind, etc...Yet again they have an extremely high success percentage. it makes you wonder and rethink our modern practices. I'm still puzzled by it.
  • @rovert97
    I've been having great success in the rut with the original can call. Hit it three times and give it about 5 mins and I'll have a curious buck come strolling by. By me the PA bucks haven't responded to the rattles or grunts
  • @turtlesoop1
    P.S. Thanks Ike , awesome and informative !
  • @kylemcgeever
    Damn Ike, you keep giving your secrets away and there wont be any more deer left!
  • @N3VIUS
    I use 2 diffrent grunt calls to give the effect that im 2 different bucks. But i donated to public land. lol
  • @turtlesoop1
    how often are you calling? i.e. every fifteen minutes every 1/2 hour?
    This product that product don't forget this spray product, another one ... another one... don't forget to keep your receipts.
  • @fishnkid1923
    Do you use they scents for just one season? Seems like a waste of money for me to spend $20 for a little bottle of pew that i will use for 2 or 3 weeks