Tracking the Tropics: National Hurricane Center has increasing chances for tropical system

A disturbance in the central Atlantic has increasing chances of becoming a tropical depression later this week, according to the National Hurricane Center.

As of Tuesday morning, forecasters said the area of disturbed weather has a 60% chance of development over the next five days. The disturbance is expected to interact with an approaching tropical wave over the next day or two which could help create conditions conducive to gradual development.


コメント (14)
  • @UpStreamLivn
    Why downplay the weather? It's been beating disinformation,for decades? Rain,is a problem,in salt marshes,for years,too.
  • @dianaines8541
    I’ve seen storms rapid intensifying when meteorologist literally say it’s only going to be a rain maker get ready for a cat 5 I heard it with hurricane beryl it was only going to be a tropical storm 🌀 and look it became a category 5 hurricane so let’s prepare for anything
  • @carlmay3396
    lol this weather guy is basically saying I don't know whats going to happen but it looks like its going to rain.
  • @nj81499
    I heard they're making a NEW category for this 7. They just dont anyone to get too worried....even tho Florida will no longer exist after it passes. Jus sayin...
  • Lets see if the Solar CMEs on their way to the earth this weekend Amps up this storm like the big X FLARES did with Beryl in June
  • @Im_so_Retro85
    This is just buckets of rain, if anything even develops. So much drama 😂
  • @earlyprimate
    Get the hype train rolling! TOOT! TOOT! NBC Tampa had a track for this landing right on Tampa after it swings around between Florida and Cuba LOLROFLMAO.
  • ❤la verdad de los controladores de los umanos y como ser libres jonas l.mamani Hipnosis❤yeshua❤la muerte no existe❤todos vamos acender ala 5 D❤❤