Does your home have FRICTION? This could be the reason you don't feel productive!

Published 2024-04-12
Does your home have Friction? Friction is anything that gets in the way of you and the things you want to accomplish, or the life you want to live.

Our home is the place where we spend most of our time, and it can either set us up for success or failure. Unfortunately, there are often roadblocks in our home that we don't even realize are holding us back from accomplishing everything we want.

In today's podcast, I am sharing examples of friction and roadblocks in my own home that I have problem-solved to make life easier. Let's discover how to live our best lives by removing friction and roadblocks in our homes.

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All Comments (21)
  • I found you this time last year, I wanted to escape the house and go on vacation and I didn't know why... I came back and realized my house is full of stuff and that's why I wanted to escape, since then I've been decluttering little by little and I don't have anxiety about my house anymore Thanks to you and the rest of the crew! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @CS-tk1ni
    For those who don't iron or steam, throw your item into the dryer with a clean wet wash cloth (wring it out, not soaking wet) and tumble on medium heat for ten minutes while you put on your makeup or fix your hair. The item will come out of the dryer nice and wrinkle free.
  • @bookhuggah
    Folded laundry and put away the clothes, and then I put four options in the defrost drawer in the fridge for the next few days to make it easier to have supper prep in the future. Less friction for the win!
  • @Pajali
    It’s amazing what can cause kids to be late in the morning. If my kids go up to get ready at the same time, it takes a minimum of 2x as long as it does if they go get ready separately. Together, they either get into an argument over the bathroom, or they start playing together and forget they were supposed to be getting ready. 😅
  • @deannaw9657
    Love the "friction" concept! Thus is ME!! Always thinking I'm lazy when I just need to remove the blockages to my success! ❤
  • @mermeow
    Yeppurrz. My home is full of friction. 30+ years of shopping too much, & not decluttering enough. I'm accomplishing slow progress, though.
  • @rainbows_and_i
    Hi Cas 🤗 Sabine here, from Germany. I'm new to this journey and I just want to thank you. ❤️ I found you a few weeks ago and since then I'm slowly getting my life back. It's amazing how motivating your videos are. How motivating YOU are! 😍 You made me install a command center in the kitchen (former worst cluttering space), decluttering my closet, my drawers, my bathroom and I'm totally happy with every little step. It will be a long journey for sure but finally I'm on my way. Seven years after my husband passed away. Such a long time. Sitting in the middle of all the stuff I bought to not feel alone. Thank you so much. ❤️ Happy Sunday Sabine 🌈
  • Totally agree about the sock basket by the shoes at the front door!!! Game changer for sure! I also put a trash can in the entryway where we hang back packs so I can quickly toss all the junk mail & trash in the kids book bags. Those simple things have literally changed our lives. I know I sound so dramatic but it’s true!! It’s not just about taking too long to find socks, or keeping their backpacks tidy. It’s about MY MENTAL WELL-BEING & NOT being a red faced, screaming banshee every time we go somewhere!!!! 😂😂😂 Love love love this episode about being proactive. It’s so helpful to anticipate the obstacle & come up with ways to fix it. 💕
  • We have been remodeling part of our home and everything is everywhere in our usually very tidy home. My husband and daughter are finally realizing that having a place for everything, in a tidy home, is actually more relaxing, welcoming, and conducive to a happy home environment. Searching for every day items is annoying, makes you late, and starts your day off in a negative mindset. Thank goodness the remodel is almost done and we can once again enjoy our home.
  • @wayou004
    This is sooo true. I decluttered my home the first time this year, listening to your Podcast. And then i bought a New vacuumcleaner that is cordless. That removes the friction so unbelievable. Now i vacuum every day, because i dont have to tidy up first and i dont have to carry that heavy maschine and replug it multiple times. Your advice has been lifechanging. Thank you so much, you are an inspiration.❤ So this summer decluttering garage and basement, and also Livingspace round 2 will be Happening.
  • Long story short, folding laundry is my least favorite chore, and I had a mountain of it on my bed for 3 days. I put on your video to help me get through the task enjoyably. Well, I removed 2 chunky sweaters I don't wear, off the top shelf to make room for pants I do wear, and didn't fit on the bottom shelf. Not only did you provide me with company, but you made me think of a solution to remove friction! Completing the task took a little longer than your video, but I also decluttered a few items of clothing so it would fit better in my drawers as well. So glad it's done! Another thing I did to remove friction a while back was to keep a cotton weave basket filled with pajamas in the bathroom. It removes friction from showering in the evening. Years ago, I paired down my wardrobe so I'd have enough space to keep it all in the closet and dresser, no more shuffling off-season clothing. Thanks for reminding me that little details can make a big difference!
  • @susannekoster511
    You have helped me so much. I thought I was organized before. Like I have always had a home binder with important info. But now that I'm "really" decluttering, WOW! so surprised by all the crap that I don't want and don't use. So much time wasted cleaning and organizing the "friction". Yesterday I went thru my sewing stuff and threw out about 100 bent straight pins. Silly, but gosh it felt good. My next road block will take quite some time. My life has been so busy taking in every stray I could. All of our animals are rescues. 30 of them. My living room looks like a pet store. Various small birds, two parrots, three rats, two guinea pigs, 6 mice, 3 pitt bulls, two cats, a massive aquarium, and a tortoise, I spend hours a day cleaning and caring for them. But one day most of them will be gone and life will be calmer.
  • @annegroarke7567
    LOVE your podcasts Cass! ♥️ They are the bee’s knees - an English idiom meaning the best 🐝😊
  • @kakylong2
    Cas, So excited to hear that Izzy is keeping her room clean. That must feel so good for both of you. 😊
  • @DianneHall2004
    Hi Cass, I want to thank you so much! I've watched countless videos on decluttering and got nowhere. THIS makes so much sense to me. It takes the emotion out of it for me. I feel like everything I try to do has roadblocks! Now that I can look at it this way, I feel like I have a chance to finally get my house in order. Thank you for all your support and wisdom 😊
  • @XOJOjenio
    Just signed up for TYHB!!! Can’t wait to see THE CHANGES coming my way!!!! Yayyyyy! 2024 is going to be transformative 😁
  • @jaime5262
    This makes so much sense!!! I feel the friction on a regular basis but have never had anyone help me identify the feeling. Going to start a list of all of the friction in my house and begin problem solving.
  • @natashyas4149
    I still really could use some zoning videos. How to decide what goes where. I need help breaking it down (more than that cute sheet you put together). Maybe how you've done each room in your house - could be series!? Reducing friction for the gym has changed my life!
  • @Richany.
    I thank God for you, girl. The moment you said to make a list about what annoys me, the lightbulb went off. These little friction things are exactly why Im flustered but nothings wrong exactly. Because I have this list I can see what is wrong exactly and create solutions. I feel so much better already! You are a legend because you give me tips and advice that I actually use that really does change our lives. And then I passed them onto my children. Legendary.
  • I am pretty organized in most areas. However, my craft room is such a hot mess! Filled with WAAAY too much stuff. So over-whelming! Yesterday I used the 3 second rule to declutter. At first, I thought it was scary to make such fast decisions, but I soon realized how great and freeing it was! Letting go can be wonderful! I asked myself in those three seconds - Do I love it? Does I use it? Does it bring me joy? I worked for an hour and it was amazing! Going to do it again today, tomorrow, every day until it’s done! I think I will actually craft more when I can my find things and when my space looks beautiful and that brings me joy. Thanks Cass!