Murder survivors, what bizarre thing happened that caused you to survive?

Published 2023-10-13
NEXT STORY:    • What's The Most N*FW Thing You've Eve...  

We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!

Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

All Comments (21)
  • Imagine the guy's thought process in the 9th story, you shot a girl in the back of the head, and instead of dying, she just turned around and start attacking you, more offended than hurt. I'd be shitting bricks.
  • "It can't be sociopath because then there's empathy" - wrong. Most sociopaths do have a sort of weak empathy but their empathy is based only on personal experience. That's exactly what happened here. The girl saw how horrible it was to die from drowning and was sorry she had tried to drown someone. But if no one had tried to drown her. she would have continued her attempts to drown someone just for the thrill of it.
  • @Kate-xh8gz
    13 is so wild . Imagine being mugged/in that situation and the guys just like “shit my bad bro, didn’t realize it was you” 😭
  • I was at a neighborhood pool party when I was younger (11 years old). There was a girl there that was very large not just by height but by size, why this is important is because I weighed less than 80 pounds due to my medical problems at the time. She tried to drown me multiple times until another kid realized and grabbed an adult. I remember waking up on the side of the pool choking on water and was taken to the hospital. The police talked to her, but since she was under the age of 18, she was given a verbal warning and her parents were told to take her to therapy. Fast-forward to 10 years later she got arrested for drowning, her boyfriend at their apartment complex pool.
  • @WomanRoaring
    When I was 9 my mom and I went to a friends house who had a son 4 years older than me, there was a mutual friend there with a son the same age. We were outside, 7/8pm playing in the front yard. It was a game the mix of keep away and tackle football. Well the other kid tackled me and didn’t get off like normal. He started strangling me. I couldn’t scream and I just started kicking and scratching his arms. The son whose house it was grabbed him and started trying to pull him off and screaming. Our moms heard and came out. He was almost 60lbs heavier than the son of the friend whose house we were at so he tried to help but just wasn’t big enough. His mom screamed at him to get off and he let me go. He would have strangled me if the moms didn’t get involved. I saw him 3 times that year and each time he did creepy things but that was the worst. A few years later I asked my mom what happened to them because we hadn’t seen them since that year. She said when he was 16 his mom gave up custody to the state because he beat her so badly she was hospitalized. He tried killing her. The other friend never wanted to play with him again and was always like a big brother and protective of me. I was lucky he was there, he never let anyone pick on me.
  • @user-ku9xx1gw3v
    I heard the third story before, something about the way they end it with "they didn't win." just makes me want to get up everyday and do my best. Because if this person got out of this situation as winner then I want to do something amazing as a gift to them for how strong they are and how much making it through and sharing their story affected me personally.
  • @intercat4907
    I answered an ambulance call 40 years ago. A convenience store clerk had been shot in the stomach by a robber at 4am. We were completely confused by his description that "the bullet bounced off". He was no Jackie Chan - flabby and unharmed. Ballistics people were very happy - the bullet was a 1/100,000 factory dud.
  • @Masatisan
    Story 10, the OP doesn't realize that any injuries to any part of the head bleed like crazy? Even small cuts can be an absolute bloodbath.
  • to the writer of story 3, i am so sorry that happened to you. and thank you for doing what you do today despite all of that. they didnt win, you are not a victim, you are a hero.
  • So it wasn't a murder, but the other day I had a hit and run attempt on me. I was walking to work and the man at the crosswalk motioned for me to cross. Something about me is I have an eye disorder where my left eye will occasionally drift on its own. I've never been so thankful for it than in this moment because I saw the man smirk as his car began to drive at me, because I noticed this I picked up pace and just barely avoided him and watched him as he drove way over the speed limit and through a red light. Later he was arrested for a hit and run on another person and I recognized him from the news. The other person is okay in case anyone was wondering.
  • @flomstuff-kk7fn
    14:12 Its like in one of the Sims games where the grim reaper will just not kill you because you used to be in a band together
  • @eph2vv89only1way
    A few years ago my church's women's group had a local sexual assault group come in and teach us about self defense, including preventing attacks. At one point they said that sometimes someone you meet face to face while walking down the street will wait until they pass you then attack you from behind. The very next night I was walking down the street and met someone face to face. Thinking of what they had told us, I turned around just after I passed him. He was about half turned around and his hand raised almost as high as my mouth. But when he saw that I had turned around and saw him, he just turned back around and kept walking
  • @v_doll
    11:40 Head wounds actually bleed pretty heavily because there's many small blood vessels very close to the surface of the skin. You could have the smallest cut and it would still bleed a significant amount
  • @Irishpotato1776
    13:40 this is what every kid imagines when there parents say “don’t open the door for strangers”💀
  • #7, it's surprising how much people get worked up over couples with a stable relationship. This is an extreme case, obviously, and I'm not claiming to fully understand their motives. It's just that when people meet others who are genuinely good and decent, especially a couple, there HAS to be something wrong. Good people just can't exist or else that means I can't justify being an asshole.
  • @KirstenlyArt
    moral of many of the stories: If you get a bad vibe, its for a reason. dont push it down to try and be polite.
  • @eudoravia7082
    no, i seriously think what the second story girl meant was she was sorry she didn't expect the teller would retaliate. She expected the teller to actually drown. She later would probably just claimed that it was an accident.
  • @Diablo-xx9gx
    Coworker i know told me, One time he was walking when he felt something press into the back of his head. Click , Click, Click, turned aroudn some guy had pressed a gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger three times. Gun jammed, they looked at each other, he grabbed the gun pointed back at his face... BANG! Blew part of his face away the guy lived as a veggie for the rest of his remaining days. my coworker got away with it as it was a act of self defense. They guy tried to kill him due to some stupid argument they had before .Well ...he lost the argument.
  • @DemoTheGreat
    Story 13 probably isn't as bad as the other ones, but this one is the wildest to me. Like, dude comes and stabs you in the stomach, stares at you, and then is like "oop my bad, haven't seen you in forever [y/n]" and WALKS AWAY????
  • Damn hearing these stories has me countng my lucky stars bc i was fully kidnapped after being roofied and escaped 2 days later almost entirely unscathed. Then was roofied again a month later and woke up intubated in a hospital. Both of these times were while I was working at this club 🙄 still alive tho 🎉