How to deal with workplace conflicts - Develop your personality and business skills.

Published 2016-02-08
How to deal with workplace conflicts - Develop your personality and business skills.


Skillopedia video to learn about dealing with office conflicts. Office conflicts - Makes you nervous, irritated and frustrated! So how do you manage office conflicts. Work place is naturally a stressful environment and conflicts among your co - workers or bosses is inevitable. There are various reasons to it, jealously, ego, pride, compensation issues and so on. The following tips will help you to handle conflicts on day to day basis.

1. Approach a conflict with an open mind - Different people have different perceptions and solving workplace conflicts required finding a common ground. One should not wait for the other person to approach you instead you can be the first one to do so. One should understand the other person's point of view and how he or she arrived at it. Lack of information, misinformation or no information at all creates conflicts. Clear, concise and timely communication will help you to ease both the number and the severity of conflicts.

2. Control your emotions - When you are in control of your own emotions versus them being in control of you, you are able to handle conflicts well. Don't be a dram queen or drama king by shedding crocodile tears the moment you face a conflict. Do not throw a fit of rage on the heat of the moment. This kind of behaviour will tend to ruin your career. Stay calm and let not your emotions control you.

3. Stop assuming - Someone just said something and you find yourself rolling your eyes in aggravation. Just try to give the other person benefit of doubt. One should not think negatively all the time, Before jumping to conclusions try to understand what the other person has to say ,acknowledge and paraphrase their opinion back to them to enhance your comprehension.

4. View a conflict as an opportunity - In a conflict check on 'what's there for me' In every conflict there is a hidden teaching and learning opportunity for every one of us. Where there is disagreement there is an inherent potential of growth and development. Handle the conflict in a positive way and this stimulate innovation and learning. If all these do not work for you then a timely apology is a great way to deal with crazy conflicts. An apology is a sign of respect n civility.

Conflicts are everywhere - it just depends on you, the way you choose to handle. So hope these points help you to decide the way to deal with the workplace conflicts.

All Comments (21)
  • @2Beigatti
    She was sooooo rude to me!! Literally ruined my day. Now I’m watching to get ideas to move forward. Thank you 😊
  • @lambusaab
    'Approach every conflict as an opportunity' I love that
  • @sarahkelly6899
    control your emotions is difficult since confrontation is hard. This reminds me of my former job when people could get away with anything and management did nothing over this rude person. This Indian Upali at Chesterbrook Academy.
  • @theswcoaching
    Thought provoking video. This is a topic of great interest to me and I speak to it myself sometimes. One of the things I teach is de-personalising the situation. Thanks for this.
  • In education institutions a very trivial conflict disrupts the mood of teachers. Really a good and helpful video.
  • Thank so much for sharing these video.Its very usefull and helpfull for me to increase and improve my English skill.Your sound so clearly,your smily so exciting and your style so imprressing.You are a trully great English teacher.
  • @theranasaini
    Great video post, there was a lot of helpful content. Workplace conflicts should never be taken lightly.
  • I like how you said apologizing will not put you down! Great advice, and good video.
  • @benjamin5028
    I was taught , to mind own business, keep your mouth shut, and do your job. I have done that for the most part, and it has work very well for me. Getting working done is all about concentration and focus, so do not be drawn and/or provoked into situations that will interfere with you concentration and focus. DO NOT get involved work place dramas or cast judgement on it.
  • @sl7191
    hi niharika ,i m healing with your words.
  • @marcelitanava
    Great tips!! using it with my ESL students today, helps you speak clearly and slowly! Thanks ;)
  • @divyanigam8541
    Beautifully explained workplace conflicts and ways to manage them. Thank you
  • Thank you beautiful young lady, for the valuable information. Absolutely iam going to use this tips in my work and life conflicts.
  • @nedaroshan4610
    All these you mentioned are good but only works out if the other person (your coworkers,boss,etc)are the same and genuinely want to solve the problem.but it doesn’t work when they are not Honest and cover up each other mess up at work and make your motivation for the job fade away. My experience says they don’t want good employees they only wants slaves to follow their own created rules and even not the company.
  • @coolguy3316
    Thanks , One more tip - know the persons involved. 50% of time it’s a power play and challenging your power of authority in the position. Always do homework and prepare with the points on notepad. It’s shark tank these days in job. - from my 20 yrs of SW industry experience.
  • all points r valid other than apology thing...when u hv to aplogise for none of ur fault to save ur job..nothing unfortunate than that...very difficult for people with self respect
  • Niharika thanks for sharing reasons of conflicts & ideas on how to deal with workplace conflicts