Net Neutrality Update: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Web Exclusive)

Published 2017-05-14
John Oliver discusses the recent flood of comments posted on the FCC's website.

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All Comments (21)
  • @samualwatkins
    "Thousands using fake names", Have you ever been on the internet?
  • I actually wrote what you told us to. Exactly what you said. And I was polite about it.
  • @galenfirestone
    I never thought I'd see the day he'd use his "you think about so little" joke on HIMSELF. Well played, Mr. Oliver. Well played.
  • @erykfromm
    Do not worry, John Stewart, we all know and love you!
  • @upandaljm
    Please tell me I'm not the only person who left a civil, clear comment.
  • @Kman1169
    I love how Stephen Colbert is fighting for net neutrality, you can really tell Stephen Colbert is on our side.
  • It is amazing how Colbert can stay in character, even when looking and sounding like a British guy. That dude is so talented.
  • @PapaSock
    "Writing racist things on the internet is not how you win the Net Neutrality debate, it's how you win the presidency." - John Oliver This quote should be written in history books.
  • @AJ-ut8cz
    I think john oliver is an internet god, all he has to do is make a video, and the internet responds like the ocean to Poseidon.
  • @TrickyPiston
    Ajit Pai has a bigger mug than you now, please one-up him. Do it for the people
  • I love the new studio of The Colbert Report. ;) John Oliver is absolutly brilliant
  • Another great video, Steve. I'm always impressed and amused by your bits, and the fact that you made a video specifically for the internet is really cool, Mr. Colbert.
  • @GEARscience
    This is why I like John Oliver more than other political comedians right now. He's actually getting stuff done, and it has a great impact on politics while still being funny.
  • @penguinbar5658
    Congrats on 5 million! Good job on reaching it before the internet dies.
  • @Cooltaha
    I live outside the US. Can i still vote for net neutrality?
  • @dr.insanity431
    Did John Oliver tell the internet to be civil? That's funny
  • @badmanskill1112
    Honestly good job Johnny O. It seems the only way to get 'real news' is from comedy shows. Sad.
  • I love no matter how much shit John gets thrown in his face he just completely accepts it and then throws it back with just as much if not more. 🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️