Nazi Box from an Abandoned Storage Locker

This box was found in a locker that was owned by by someone who was a neo-Nazi. If you know what some of the flags are, please leave a comment below.

コメント (21)
  • Fun fact the flag with the little black white and red sup flag with the iron cross on it wasn't even a nazi flag that was the imperial german war and navy flag used by the north German federation and the German empire and later the Weimar (german) republic from 1866-19122
  • I'm amazed how people turn their noses up at Nazi Hitler stuff but seem to love Japanese WW2 items which were just as brutal if not worse than the Nazis..
  • Hmmmm. Strange thing, I have an old ash tray which was made in an Allied POW camp by a German POW after V-E Day. It's made from a cut-off 155 (?) MM cannon shell, but it has runic designs on it similar to the ones on the outside of that box. I have to go down to my basement one day and dig it out of the mess down there.
  • Even though those items not popular they still are worth decent amount to right collector. Believe it or not the market is very good on those kinda items right now.
  • If you’re not going to sell the trunk, you might consider donating it to your state historical society or the US Holocaust Memorial in DC.
  • The symbols on the outside look like Norse runes to me (often used by white supremacists and similar). The last 4 symbols look like they spell "none" and the 5 to the right of the lock look like "death".
  • Only chance of cash in that box is possibly the hockey cards and one Nazi flag
  • The family put away dead great grandpas old racist treasures.
  • @xsavoie1
    A lot of people collect some Nazi items because they like to learn about the world's former enemy.Like soldiers taking the weapons of the defeated enemy.If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it.
  • the signs on the front are rune signs old germanic signs