30 Bags in 30 Days Declutter Challenge July 20 Pantry

Once again I'm learning more about myself and my habit of bringing too much into the house…and meet the Caiques Sam and Sally!

Sorry but I'm having trouble linking all the ladies videos that are in the collaboration. Please check out Sophia's channel..My Great Challenge… for the link. Thanks a bunch for watching

Thanks to Sophia at My Great Challenge I'm motivated to do some
decluttering around my home. Come join us!

You can contact me:
PO Box 86
Stella, MO 64867

email…[email protected]

コメント (9)
    Twenty-five years (or more) I started a new routine to keep my kitchen drawers/cupboards clean and organized. After I clean my kitchen in the evening I clean one drawer or one shelf in a cupboard: empty it, wipe it out, toss anything not being used, and then reload the drawer/shelf, it only takes a few minutes. It takes about two months to go through the entire kitchen and pantry, and then I start over again. Pretty soon my kitchen was so clean and organized I could skip a few months or just concentrate on the drawers that got messy quickly. I run my pantry like a grocery store, I date each item when I purchase it, rotate my stock, and try like crazy not to over buy. I'm binge watching all your videos -- GOOD JOB!
  • This tell you a lot about me. I thought your pantry looked great to begin with. You did get a big ole bag full out of their. You are doing great, Janice. Blessings, and love..MaryEllen
  • @TraciBTv
    ugh, airports now have to go through all the food you pack with you on your carry-on. I don't even pack any, anymore. Last year, I packed so many snacks on my carry-on bag. They xray'd the bag, and then pulled it aside, and looked through every single thing. Took so long. That's when they told me they have to look through the food now. Brother.
  • Hi Janice, Seems like we have food go to waste, too. I like to cook too much and then we have left overs--and I'm the only one who will really eat them. I guess because I have to drive to get to a nice grocery store that I buy stuff and then forget that I have it. I need to do better, too. Thanks for sharing your progress on your pantry. It looks really organized and you are lucky with a good size pantry. XOXO
  • @trovey02
    Canned goods you can keep until the can bulges, no need to throw them away till that.
  • Your pantry looks great, you're doing good :) It's so nice to know everything that's in your pantry (and know it's all still good). Also Sam and Sally are just precious! I must admit I didn't understand why people kept birds as pets (I love cats and dogs...but couldn't get the whole bird thing!) but your babies are winning me over :) I didn't know how loving they could be and that they actually enjoy human company (I guess I thought birds were ornamental like fish??).
  • @Dolly9261
    I did my pantry yesterday. I just went through it, I was too lazy to take everything out and put it back! lol. I threw away a lot of dry goods after hearing Sophia say it's Really no good after it's expired. Most of these things are in containers, I had no idea how old they were, so out they went. You did a great job!
  • Keep the nut butter in your refrigerator after it has been opened.