Meditation's Impact on the Brain | Documentary Clip

Published 2019-12-08

All Comments (21)
  • “ Meditation can turn fools into sages But unfortunately fools never meditate " ----- Swami Vivekanand
  • If seven hours of meditation can make so much changes to our brain, then I cannot even fathom about the countless hours spent on mindless activities like scrolling through social media!?
  • Every Buddhist teacher I've ever had told me the two most important practices were to meditate everyday and practice compassion for all I meet (including myself). I actually took this advice and began meditating everyday. That was 13 years ago. These practices have utterly transformed my life.
  • @acho5424
    What I love about Buddhist scholars is their openness and acceptance of science. This show they have confidence over their knowledge and wants to benefits all beings. That’s commendable !
  • Meditation/mindfullness practice should be taught in schools starting early ages when kids are growing.
  • @user-yg7st1gw5x
    I start to do meditation during lock down and never felt happier and more confident in my life before. My brain has stopped buzzing and over thinking. My whole body has started to feel lighter and even my face has changed a little bit. How interesting!
  • @vagrant1943
    Been meditating up to an hour a day for 2.5 years now. My explosive temper is gone and I don't need immediate gratification anymore. The sense of freedom is incredible when you realize that emotions are suggestions and not imperatives.
  • Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • @leifdux7277
    Meditation taught me that my overthinking mind is a tool to be used, rather than be a slave to it. It taught me how to quiet my mind and disconnect with my thoughts for I know it isn't me. I feel like i moved nearer to my true essence.
  • @achatterjee9464
    I will just recently add. My mother started meditation for 25mins daily and has now stopped her hypertension tablets, acidity tablets and also her knee pain is gone. It's been 3 weeks. It's a true story.
  • @Lilah00030
    I was diagnosed with major depression and adhd. I had to use pills in order to keep myself alive than one day my friend told me about meditation. I started doing it it was really hard at first I burst into tears meanwhile I stopped using pills. I went to my therapist again after 3 months. she asked me some questions and she told me how much pills improved my mental health. I told her I wasn't using my pills I was only meditating and walking in nature she suddenly smiled and told me keep doing what you doin and since then I don't use any pills. Meditation saved my life.
  • @godlovesyou7684
    I’m 16, I do stretching along with meditation for about 30-45 minutes, I can’t explain how my body feels after the last breaths, it’s like a spiritual awakening almost and just taking negatives of all kind and bringing stronger energy towards me. It’s truly an experience for sure and sometimes if it’s to overwhelming you can start tearing up or feeling lost, that’s when you got to fight yourself in silence and really see your true self and work on it or radiate it!
  • When Meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. - Bhagavad Gita
  • I started Meditation when I was in 7th grade. I used to meditate morning, evening and when ever possible. Our School played a major role by letting us to meditate for 10-15 min in study sessions. I practiced it daily, while my friends stopped doing it. When I reached 10th grade I attained my peak point in means of calmness, thinking ability, Retaining power(Memory) and I used to think Very maturely. I clearly noticed a difference between myself from my previous self and also from my friends. But, I stopped doing Meditation day by day. I lost my inner peace, calmness. Now, it's been 5 years since I stopped meditation. I lost my self and everything Now, I'm a failure. After seeing this video I promise myself to start meditation again from Zero. I will practice it daily. It's my promise. I will definitely retrieve myself.
  • @LizzaG
    I’ve been doing meditation for 20 years and my kids for over 6 years and it gets to a point that you can change any given situation in less than a minute even when you are an observer far from that situation! Our brain is AMAZING
  • @broefkip
    Something that I find so interesting is that a lot of religions are scared of science and sometimes even oppose it, but I have seen a lot of Bhuddist monks and gurus embrace science. I love seeing them be so open to research, Mindfulness is a blessing.
  • @jvee3030
    We've been practicing distraction for years and we mastered it 😄 ~ Dandapani
  • @puttenaer
    I'm a 28 year old male with ADD, ADHD, RLS and being constantly anxious. My armpits would transpire enormously and I had lots of problems growing up. The last 6 months I've been meditating for an average of 30min per day (started with 1 minute due to ADHD and ADD) and slowly increasing. It's like going to the gym for me, but for my mind. The positive effects I've been experiencing are enormous. I got rid of the anxiousness, I've had a major breaktrough 2 days ago with my RLS (where I could actually fall asleep without moving my legs, this has never happened in my entire life). I'm more calm, relaxed, happy and most importantly IN THE MOMENT :) I would suggest everyone to implement this in their schedule. Have a nice day!
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