Amazing Fastest Stone Splitting Technique - Incredible Modern Granite Mining Machines Technology

- Amazing Fastest Stone Splitting Technique
- Incredible Modern Granite Mining Machines Technology
- Granite Stone Cutting Machines

1. 中根石材 - Japan
   / @user-bu4tm3jx2p  
2. Yashika Granites
3. Zema Drilling
4. MKS Stone Machinery

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コメント (21)
  • @dmz140
    We missed the really fast part where they drilled all those holes.
  • @vladiva72
    Этим "современным технологиям" уже несколько тысяч лет.
  • @rakeesh22
    Just crazy the countertops we take for granite.
  • @nigelrg1
    The first machine, the one that held the hammer, was amazing.
  • Вот так с помощью кувалды и японой матери строили пирамиды 😉
  • Si bien hay monstruos del concreto armado, y el acero tiene los suyos, y todas las tecnicas de construcción tienen sus genios, la tecnica reina de la construcción sin lugar a dudas es el trabajo de cantería.
  • Давно известно, что сопротивление камня на сжатие и на разрыв отличается на порядок)
  • Whenever I feel like I'm tired, I come to watch this video to remind me that there's people working a lot harder than me in the sake of progress.
  • Always amazed me how such small wedges can split such massive blocks of stone so precisely.
  • Skills that work, albeit a little crude, yet does the job! You can't be anything but impressed at the end result!
  • Tenaga pemecah batu yang sudah berpengalaman puluhan tahun,sudah tahu urat dari batu tersebut 👍
  • Genius! All of this is amazing, but at about 4:08 when he 'one arms' the lever to split it, I was hooked! I could watch this all day, everyday...
  • After watching this I have a new appreciation for the builders of the pyramids.
  • صراحة المنشار رهيب وشيء رائع
  • I have always been fascinated by human power things, Bicycles, bow and arrows even splitting stone. That first guy has my respect
  • É nessas horas que nossa imaginação viaja ainda mais em querer saber, como os egípcios conseguiam trabalhar e erguer grandes monumentos sem essas máquinas, Porque mesmo com esses maquinários todo, se percebe que ainda sim, é um serviço lento..imaginem sem eles..
  • @JonJaffa
    I've photographed a boulder of MDF (not the wood :) )- it's a black stone with large geometrically shapes fossils ) being drilled and then split using @ 2 feathers and a drift per hole. Fascinating.
  • More amazed by how strong this man is, swinging that sledgehammer like its nothing
  • 우와 대단 그자체 저큰돌이 저렇게 반듯하게 쪼개지는군요.