JURASSIC FRANCHISE: A Fan's Non-Rantish, Crazy Ramblings.

Published 2021-12-21
After a long wait it is finally time for me to say something when it concerns the new installments in the Jurassic movie franchise released throughout the past years as well as what is yet to come. Will life find a way? Join me as I share my sentiments about it all.

Jurassic World is the intellectual property of Universal Pictures. This commentary exists only as non-commercial exchange between Jurassic Park fans and enthusiasts for fair use. All rights reserved by their respectful owners.

All Comments (3)
  • Great to hear from you again! I agree with you on the Indominus Rex for the most part. I don't care for the "clever metacommentary" which I never bought into. Still, I.Rex had a cool, plausible, and unique design for a movie dinosaur. The beast served its purpose as what Malcolm would call "the rape of the natural world". However, to me its sudden allegiance with the raptors, recognition of thermal cameras, and breakout of ots enclosure was a bit too farfetched, considering that it's still an animal (albeit a genetically engineered mutant misfit). The human characters are also quite underwhelming and idiotic, but serviceable for the plot. Fallen Kingdom is where it definitely dropped the ball. In several ways, the misuse of the dinosaurs is way more noticeable than in the previous sequels. The biggest example is Blue the Raptor, who is now heroic and empathetic despite being established as deadly and unpredictable to all humans, even Owen in the last movie. Speaking of which, the humans even worse in Fallen Kingdom, especially Claire and the other "heroes".
  • @kiarash608
    2:32 Still by far the best looking raptors in the franchise tho