Why You Should Play Deep Rock Galactic

Published 2022-06-01

All Comments (21)
  • @mikhailgsg120
    Thanks for the kind words. I'm very glad you enjoy our game so much. Rock and Stone!
  • The fact that the community wanted the ability to somehow save Doretta and the devs listened should tell you a lot about this game.
  • 7:04 Something that isn't super well known about the heavy snow patches, they actually reduce the amount of fall damage you take when you land in one, similar to the engineers upgraded platforms. This might save your ass once or twice in a pinch, so remember it
  • @Rytonic69
    The game encourages players to be kind and thoughtful through subtle hints. Messages like "No dwarf left behind" and helping greenbeards. It really pits a common foe against the players and they join up with the cheer. IF YOU DON'T ROCK AND STONE, YOU AIN'T COMING HOME!!
  • Co-op in DRG is enforced through its mechanics and also its lore: Two of the companies three main slogans are "Dig together or dig your own grave." and "Leave no dwarf behind." Its also implied that the lost teams in the salvage operations died because the company was experimenting with the use of mini-M.U.L.E.s; a smaller mule unit designed for the personal use of one miner, rather than one large mule being shared among a group, theoretically allowing the teams to cover more ground and mine more minerals. But because the teams had no incentive to stick together were swarmed by Glyphids and killed. It's little details like these that help to tell us "If you want to survive, you will stick together and be a team. Not a group."
  • @Jernfalk
    The production value of this video is something else entirely. Really worthy of a full-lunged Rock-and-Stone!
  • @DrNiradino
    One big advantage that DRG has over other similar coop games is just how wholesome Dwarfs are. From their rock and stone cheers, to silly dances, to absurd insults when somebody shoots you they're just so sympathetic. And its infectious. On missions you can find compressed gold - chunk of gold that you cash in for a relatively small amount of money, it's practically worthless. But callout for it is som cheerful and happy that players would often gather around it and ping it to hear that "Go-o-old!" and "We're rich!" voicelines.
  • @qu1253
    I think what I appreciate most about DRG is how laid back the community is. My first time playing with randoms, I got lost on the way to the drop pod, got swarmed and downed. I fully expected to get left behind by the other players... now imagine my surprise (and delight) when the driller comes bursting through the cave wall with the gunner behind him to rescue me. It's for that reason I always try to make sure no one gets left behind. I also love how it's an unwritten rule that when you find a chunk of compressed gold, you set it on the ground and let everyone spam "We're rich!" for a while before depositing it.
  • Fun fact about on site refining: the pipes actually just break on their own, the bugs attacking them does nothing lol
  • @BlissBatch
    DRG is already my favorite game of all time. Just here to get validation for my beliefs.
  • @javim3594
    On small details when you run out of ammo for the hurricane and press the reload button there's a funny animation of the gunner waving his fist in anger because has has no more rockets to play airplane with
  • @DebilShurlik
    I remember that one mission I will not forget in a long time. The fun started when we accidently activated both dreadnought and that flower mini boss at the same time. And while having close to no ammo, nor nitra to order a resupply we somehow managed to defeat both while also having the no air modification. And after all of that we called the drop pod, but we lost our dwarf at the way there. So we returned from the drop pod to save him. After dying like 2 or 3 times each we managed to do it. After that we had a nice time getting drunk in the "Abyss" bar. My favorite part about it is that I was playing with randoms. I love that game. Edit: Now that I think about it, I don't really remember if we all made it, but 1 scout for sure did.
  • @TheKirBoi
    I think one of the things that kinds of help that co-op feel is something I've dubbed as "light role play". What I mean by this is that in a sense the game makes you want to be like the dwarfs you play as, that sense of comradely brotherhood as you take on armies together, that lust for shiny ore, that love for alcoholic beverages and that sense of just not listening to those higher ups because you need to behave on the job because you know your the best at it. I don't think many people realise it while playing, but when one of their teammates go down I feel many people don't have that mindset of "I need to do this because my odds are worse without you" and instead they think more along the lines of "Don't worry Brother, I got your back". You feel like a badass dwarf in space who cares for his comrades, gold, beer and fun and want to act like it because it's more fun that playing as your average soldier who's just looking out for his team and his country.
  • probably one of the best DRG videos I've ever watched. Rock and Stone, miner! ⛏️
  • There’s no other game like DRG and the developers listen to the community and know how to make a game perfect and I love this game so much and I hope the community keeps growing and the developers keep updating this because I will still be playing it. Rock and Stone Brothers!🍺
  • @gametime2473
    This is a game that gets better and better over time. I can't wait to see what season 3 brings. The fact that players INSIST on bringing Doretta back on every mission despite getting NOTHING for doing it says everything about this game. It really is amazing how it makes players feel like they are part of a team. LEAVE NO DWARF BEHIND! ROCK AND STONE!
  • @lugiboli
    Recently I was playing this mining mission with the Haunted Caves mod, the team was Engie, Two scouts (I was one) and a new player gunner. The Ghost Bulk was giving us a lot of headache because it kept downing the engie and the gunner, so it was up to me and the other scout to go find the rest of the objectives. At the end, when we called the dropod, it was literally 30 meters from where we called, however, our engie was still down, on the other side of the cave and all 3 of us had already made it. So I turn around, put my grapple, and start a mad dash towards the engie, blowing dumb bugs in the face all the way, I reach the engie, revive him, then we go all the way back, protecting each other until we got to the dropod. I think this was the most fun I ever had, because this was something that the game thought me "Leave no Dwarf behind".
  • @Tyranoman
    This just makes me want to play more DRG. Rock and Stone!
  • @DSHPerotecH
    Recently picked up the game to play with my brothers, and am blown away by the sheer detail, charm, and passion this game and its developers have. Not to mention the wholesome playerbase, it's easily one of the best video games I have ever played. The mindboggling part to me is that I only paid 12 (Canadian) DOLLARS for the game on sale! Even at $35 regular, this game is a complete steal at that price. Literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay. ROCK AND STONE! ⛏️
  • @MrFulldawa
    This final montage was a masterpiece, especially the moment in the memorial hall. Well played, I have 500+ hours of game on my belt but you somehow convinced me to get the game again.