Misophonia, finally figured it out!!!!

Published 2012-08-04
I have just figured out that there is a real diagnosis to this "issue" I have been dealing with for a large portion of my life. Please leave any comment that might give me some great insight, help, stories. Anything! Thank you

All Comments (21)
  • YES im so glad you posted this!! i know im just about 3 and a half years late but seriously..I have heard of misophonia before but i disregarded it because everyones comments were mainly about people chewing their food so I thought it was just a common annoyance and people didnt have the other triggers. My mother taps on her steering wheel as well and I cant hear it but seeing it will make me so enraged, also people breathing loudly, and people in other rooms of my house talking when my door is shut and im in my room. They can be talking so quietly yet I still feel like im going to burst into tears with frustration. Thanks for sharing.
  • @mav3ricktv
    You're talking about misophonia??? You smacked your lips two times in the opening few seconds... My brain sucks! I can't live with this..
  • @enig99
    I just found out about misophonia yesterday! What a HUGE, HUGE relief that there is a word for my 'crazy' and I'm NOT the only one! Thank you!
  • @sarahpierre1814
    I'm sorry you are suffering from this. I understand because I have it too. Ever since I was a little girl. It's so nice to know I'm not alone and not crazy. At this point I'm searching for treatment, but until that point support def helps. Just know you're not alone.
  • @nezzypez
    I dont know if you noticed but half the things that you did in this video were effects of misophonia and it drove me crazy please be careful you dont make people cry cus i had to lock myself in the bathroom it was that bad
  • @stevis12
    Thank you for making this video, it's so relieving to know there are other people out there like myself. I just found out about this disorder earlier this week, it really helps knowing that I'm not alone. I would love an update video to see how you're doing.
  • @iceskaterjess
    Wow! You just explained how I've felt my whole life! I too just found out about this a couple of months ago via the Today Show and am so relieved that yeah, we aren't crazy! There is a name for this! Everything you said, from each noise or movement that really gets to you, to how you react with your family vs. strangers just completely relates to my life growing up. Thank you so much for posting. Like you said, it's so good to know that we're not alone! :)
  • @Denverslopes
    Hey! My name is also Aaron and all I can say is I'm glad I'm not alone, its terrible because no one understands and you can't just tell people to stop coughing or to stop smackin their lips or whatever it may be.
  • @sienaelvins1305
    I'm so glad to see other people out there like me, and who are figuring out that they have misophonia! I have been struggling with this most of my life, and only a few months ago was I so frustrated with it, that I searched it up, and I'm so unbelievable happy that there are people out there with the same problem. My whole life my family has been telling me to just get over it, but it's so hard. And they are mainly the only ones that I lash out on about it, or that I can talk to about it with. M
  • @MrMike673
    My triggers are, Splashing or trickling water, metallic sounds, mouth sounds,computer keyboard and mouse clicks, and even hearing often repeated words i.e. "basicially".I must wear earplugs quite often.
  • mouth/eating noises are my biggest trigger too. i find it ironic that your sharp "S" when you speak is a common trigger. maybe it's just the quality of your microphone.
  • Thank you for the video! Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the world with this. I am glad that I'm not alone!
  • Thank you so much for sharing the story. I don't know what I will be doing because we moved to the new house and I can hear highway, children playing behind the house, football trainings, my husband typing, chewing or other people repetitively moving in my view. My husband love this house and I think that it is beautiful house too, but everything bothers me ... When something triggers me I go nuts - upset, aggressive, than helpless, crying. I am really tired of myself and I decided to change that. I cannot afford the doctor, so I am listening all kinds of the colored noises ... Hopefully, one day I stop to be so sensitive for all kinds of triggers ... I wish luck to everyone else with misophonia in fighting it ;)  
  • @LisaMcClanahan1
    Hi! I too have Misophonia! I have all the same triggers as you do! It's very much a relief to know that there are others out there that suffer from the same thing.
  • Finally, someone like me! I'm 18 and I think this started when I was about 10. But I know what you mean when you say it has cost a lot of relationships. I have gotten into so many arguments (and actual fights with my sister's) with my family because of this. The one visual aspect that drives me insane is chewing with the mouth open. It's like I anticipate the sound. But thank you for sharing your story! I don't feel crazy anymore
  • @turtleluv690
    Wow I relate to almost everything you said in your video! I'm 15 and I've only had misophonia for about 2 years. I have a lot of the same triggers, except the dogs barking. The worst for me is chewing (gum especially) and scraping metal dishes/silverware. I also have visual triggers that are sometimes worse than the sounds themselves. I try to block those with my hand like you do but it doesn't work most of the time. My school days are extremely painful because so many people chew gum and that sound along with the sight of people chewing drives me the craziest. I have a hard time telling my friends or strangers to stop eating or tapping their fingers or whatever, because I don't know how to explain it and I do get worried they might think bad of me.  I've read a bunch of articles and all these comments and there are so many adults that have had this for their entire lives. I can't imagine this kind of pain for that long, especially having to deal with it at work or with a husband or wife. I do always feel bad for getting angry at people that trigger my annoyance, but that doesn't get rid of out the urge to scream and cry and strangle them. 
  • @PaulAngelo
    I have this thing too...wow...what a relief to know what it is...
  • @nathaloe
    The feeling of finding out that there are other people who understands how it feels is priceless! For me, having a pair of headphones with noise reduction in my purse is gold! Even if the battery on my phone is dead I pop them in and relax!
  • @tazmain17
    Hey Sierra, I have the exact same problem! You aren't alone! I first started getting really annoyed with my dad and chewing gum and coughing ect...It got really bad and sad because my family didn't think I liked them but they/myself didn't know what was up with myself. I'm now 20 and only about half a year ago my mom researched everything and told me what it was.. but I'm going crazy! Earplugs at night are my best friend, and headphones in the car are another good friend of mine : ) Good luck!