Bloodraven: The Targaryen Who Caused The Song of Ice and Fire

Published 2022-12-24
In the Game of Thrones books, prophecy and magic are like swords without hilts. They're dangerous and unpredictable, but one such prophecy, Aegon's dream about the Long Night, has been confirmed to actually exist. Aegon was right, and the Long Night did fall over Westeros again. But the hero to put an end to the Long Night, Azor Ahai or The Prince That Was Promised, was no sure thing to Aegon's successors. In this video, I discuss a theory that Bloodraven, one of Aegon the Unworthy's bastards, not only knew about Aegon the Conqueror's dream, but manipulated the royal line of House Targaryen to result in a prophesied hero: Jon Snow. Or Daenerys?

Art that I didn't credit in the video:
Bella Bergolts - Bloodraven; Bloodraven and Shiera Seastar; Shiera Seastar; Euron Greyjoy
Chillyravenart - Aegon V; Aegon V and Betha Blackwood; Aerys II and Rhaella; Jaehaerys II and Shaera; Aemon the Dragonknight; Aegon IV; Naerys Targaryen
Mike S Miller - Illustrated all pages from the graphic novels of Dunk & Egg
Magali Villeneuve - Melissa Blackwood; Barba Bracken; Bethany Bracken; Serenei of Lys
Naomimakesart - Daemon Blackfyre

0:00 - 2:12 Intro
2:12 - 6:01 Bloodraven's Origin
6:01 - 8:39 Bloodraven the War Hero
8:39 - 11:14 Hand of the King
11:14 - 18:36 Fun with Eugenics
18:36 - 21:47 Consequences of Eugenics
21:47 - 24:49 Players of the Prophecy - Starks
24:49 - 28:29 Players - Aerys/Aemon/Egg/Rhaegar
28:29 - 30:06 TL;DW
30:06 - 33:08 Last Words

#houseofthedragon #asoiaf #gameofthrones

All Comments (21)
  • @yeaaaaa
    I just wanna know how rhaegar explained to lyanna on how he needed to cheat on his wife with a 15 year old and have a baby with her to basically save the world from monsters wielding swords made from ice
  • This is the guy that trained Bran and I’m supposed to believe Bran isn’t the villain now
  • @redjirachi1
    Fun fact: Bloodraven is just a little bit older than the record for the oldest person in real life. She was 122, he's 125
  • Bloodraven was playing the game with both all the answers of both past and present and the ability to subtly change outcomes he doesn’t likes, and that not even mentioning his opinion of himself has gotten to the point that he knows what best for the realm even if it causes untold amounts of misery to thousands so long as he wins. His half-brother BitterSteel accused him of being a witch for the usage of magic and as his life went on he prove him right and he turn to be far worse than what he could possibly imagined.
  • My God...this was incredible writing on George R.R. Martin's part. It's one thing to be well-researched in history in order to write this series, but this writing is on another level entirely.
  • 14:17 Not to mention skin changing into a human is extremely traumatic. Even Hodor is able to recognize when Bran tries to warg him. Maekar would definitely remember something going wrong if Bloodraven warned into him.
  • It makes sense that Aegon told Torrhen: the Targaryens never meddled with the North, though the North always remained loyal to House Targaryen. Aegon knew Torrhen and the Starks were the first line of defence against the Others. Note that Jaehaerys and Alysanne were the ones who reinforced, supported and provided for the Night’s Watch as something more than a dumping-ground for younger sons and criminals.
  • @SaxonSpooner
    I didn't fail to notice that the prince that was promised had an albino red-eyed dire wolf next to him
  • It’s interesting how Bloodraven was the one called kinslayer when it was Daemon Blackfyre, who started the rebellion that would’ve ended in the death of at least one of his brothers. Had Daemon won the war would he receive the same monicker?
  • @jacob4920
    Given how Bran Stark turns out, I feel like Bloodraven left his responsibility to a straight-up creep. Also, Jon Snow was meant to kill Daenarys. But not at King's Landing, after she had gone insane, and killed thousands of people for no good reason. Rather, he was supposed to kill her as the only means to stop The Long Winter from coming again, during the fight with the Wight Walkers. But the show, as we all know now, was completely bastardized by two lazy dingos, who just wanted to move on to other creative things rather than end the show the way that it was supposed to end. They could have easily dedicated 2 or 3 more seasons to the "War of Winter" plotline, but they didn't care. They had George RR Martin's outline for how the books would end, and basically took the laziest possible route to writing out that conclusion. George RR Martin, I think, realizes this mistake, and is desperately trying to fix his books, so that they don't end up the same way that the show did, because he's seen how the fans reacted to the show. That's why I think "The Winds of Winter" is taking forever to get to us.
  • I had always believed since show ended in that horrible way that if it was George RR Martin’s intention for bran to be on the throne, it would not be bran it would be blood Raven worging through bran
  • @M11969
    This could also be the reason there 'must always be a Stark in Wintetfell.'
  • I think Bloodraven loved Daemon Blackfyre but they chose to fight for different sides. He said he had a brother he loved a brother he hated and a woman he desired. They must have loved each other as brothers but duty is the death of love. And then we got Bittersteel and Shiera probably adding conflict between them
  • @hellojam100
    there is so much backstory to get into. HBO could keep this going for decades
  • I bet Aegon and Bloodraven felt really dumb when the Prince that Was Promissed just stayed reeing at a dragon during the battle for the entire world
  • @kevinvest9693
    Dany is azor ahi she woke dragons from stone, but I don't believe azor ahi is actually a hero. The first one used blood sacrifice to create lightbringer. Killed his own wife that's not a hero. Dany used blood sacrifice to wake her dragons. I can't wait for winds.
  • @shaysplanet
    Azor Ahai is most likely to be Daenerys as she brought dragons back into existence and quite literally paralleled Azor Ahai with Nissa Nissa (Drogo is Nissa and Drogon is lightbringer). Her brother believed his seed with a Stark girl would create the prophesized prince but it’s clear if you look through the text who the song is about. The first book begins with the Others (the Ice) and ends with Dany and the birth of her dragons (Fire). The Azor Ahai prophecy is also Essosi, not Westerosi. Dany’s entire arc so far has been rooted in Essosi culture. Plus, you can’t get much more ironic than having Daenerys complete the prophecy in book one before it was ever mentioned by Melisandre in book 3 (i believe). It just makes the most sense while also subverting expectations because everyone thinks it’s Jon.
  • @oswinhull4203
    You'd think there would be doomsday preppers in the asoiaf universe. Everyone lives with a cultural memory if a generations long winter and not a single person is preparing for it.
  • @maxomat4319
    And Bloodraven still has Dark Sister lying around somewhere... I hope in the books Jon will get the sword. So Aegons steel and aegons blood slays the Night King.