How to SOLO CARRY on TRACER (Overwatch 2 Tracer Guide • Tips + Tricks)

Published 2022-12-06
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Intro - 0:00
Unseen Advantage - 0:40
Win Low Kill games - 1:42
Playing Flank Correctly - 2:41
How to Dive - 3:54
Tracer Secrets & Tips + Tricks - 4:38

In this video you will learn how to carry every single game you play as tracer in Overwatch 2 Season 2, I will cover how to play tracer as well has tips and tricks and secrets that will help you win more games in Overwatch 2.

#kabuto #overwatch2 #tracer

All Comments (21)
  • @kabutoFPS
    UPDATE: Tracer's damage fall off has been reverted to 13 - 20 metres, so it's best to play within a 13-15 metre range, you can still use the ping trick just play a bit closer! Thanks to RocketStormWave for pointing this out!
  • @ArdaSReal
    As a tracer main, the tip to melee ult at 98% is really good, never crossed my mind before
  • One of the most important things to highlight (not just with Tracer, but she's a great example) is that when you want to improve with her, focus on just 1 or 2 improvements at a time. If you try to think of everything you could do better, odds are you'll just waste your time and play ineffectively. For Tracer specifically, I would say the most important points to practice are these: 1. Never set up an attack straight ahead from the enemy's LOS. Always make sure you're only exposing yourself to one enemy los at a time, never 2. 2. Always try to follow up on targets that others on your team are already focusing. Tracer is one of the best heroes at cleanup damage and securing those 50hp targets. If any target on the field is ever at 50hp or below, and DON'T die, then it's your fault. That's how you should think. Whenever a 50hp target lives, no matter the situation, it's your fault they lived. Because you didn't follow up, because you weren't in the right place at the right time, because you had bled your resources prematurely, because you didn't manage your pathing well, etc etc. 50hp rule. It's better to overdo these points, than underplay their value. Dialing back is easy, but you never truly learn the value of them until you bang at their limits for hours. Then when you understand those limits, you can dial back and start focusing on the next 1-2 things you want to improve on. And so the cycle continues. Progress in easy-to-digest steps, not everything at once. Players who try to do everything at once, tend to tunnel vision on managing all the stuff they should be doing, instead of actually doing any singular part of it correctly.
  • @cesar6393
    On the "Win low kill games" mark, make sure you're pressuring the backline at the SAME TIME as your team is pressuring their frontline. This way the enemies attention will be split, the front will be busy with your front while the backline has to take resources off their frontline to deal with you, therefore giving your teammates a much easier time.
  • I also always say that it's a good thing to be in the backlines even if you aren't getting kills. I could bully their supports half the game, getting their tanks heals ripped away from them, breaking chokes, unable to secure a kill; but they'll say I threw for picking tracer, even though they only shot orisa with fortify and two healers pumping her full of HP, and didnt kill the horse until I wiped a mercy and bullied the kiriko. Also, if you get hooked, HOLD recall. If you hold recall, you will recall as soon as the stun comes off, saving you from respawn. This also counts for sleep darts.
  • To add on to the pulsebomb, it's better to bind it to LSHIFT instead of Q. Otherwise u can't use your left directional key (A) to move to the left while you're using pulsebomb. With shift u have all your movement keys available. Biggest tip to land pulsebombs more frequently. Just use blink on right click.
  • A bit to add on the pulse bomb. It always comes up from the right side. So do keep in mind of that whenever you're aiming to stick someone. Good tracer tips dude. Love it! ♥
  • @xiaozen414
    BEST TRACER GUIDE ON YT. only video I’ve seen actually use measurements and useful flank tips thank you man
  • @WalnutOW
    Some tips from my experience: If the other team has a cree, you will learn very quickly whether you can mess with them or if they should be avoided at all costs When 1v1ing a hanzo try to predict the fire rate of his arrows and play around that
  • Im a new ow2 player and i usually don't leave comments on videos but this has really helped! I've watched other videos but none of them did that much so I appreciate it!
  • @AntonyGreenman
    Watched so much Tracer content, this 8 minute video taught me like 3 things I've NEVER known in 8 years of playing OW. Crazy..
  • Thank you so much! I like how you have a much more proactive use of rewind than just the emergency button like most pros. It's a good way to hide back in off angles if you came from the right spots. Learned a few things from you that make me feel better like attention diversion is still really good. I feel people focus on just kill count a bit too much. Thanks for the vid, learning Tracer since i love flankers.
  • @MantisTCO
    Another good one is to bind your shift to your pulse and your blink to your right click. That way it frees your ring finger on your left hand to move left and pulse/blink at the same time .
  • @Ze_No_One
    i loved this video!! I watched it right before queuing up, and it made me play x20 times better than i used to (i'm a very new player) tracer was such a mystery to me, despite playing paladins for a long time and having experience with hero shooters Thanks, like deserved :D (Also i was sooo happy whenever i figured out how to play reaper on my own and am now playing him very well ^_^)
  • @Verofn12
    thank you for making this vid Very high quality 10/10 keep up the good work! btw the tips rlly helped :)
  • @Gifted1k
    great content my dude keep it up :)