Money, checks found in wall of Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, years after $600K burglary


コメント (21)
  • I'm tearing out my bathroom wall right now ! Wish me luck !
  • In the year 2008, I sent a letter to their pastors asking for prayers for me and my family. in return, they sent me a letter asking for CASH DONATIONS to their church!!  Those practices are NOT Bible based.
  • @salil7174
    That is one honest worker. Respect to him for reporting what he found instead of swiping it. The love of money is the root of all evil.
  • @Gcanno
    If only Osteen and his church were as honest as the plumber.
  • It doesn’t look like a church, it looks like a business complex - which I guess it really is to be honest.
  • $600 k, huh? That’s almost enough for Joel and Victoria to remodel one of their guest bathrooms.
  • If you're claiming to be a pastor, and your home costs more than your congregation's, something ain't right. Prove me wrong...I'll wait.
  • The fact that a church has 600,000 laying around is absolutely disgusting.
  • This shows me how damn honest a real tradesmen is ! I am a mechanic and I have returned cash, extra tools, keys, credit cards etc all found while I was working on peoples cars. Good on ya plumber 👍
  • "For is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything SECRET that will not become known and come to light." LUKE 8:17 🔥🔥🔥👀
  • Joel Osteen is one of those people who is suspiciously "too good to be true." Gives me creepy vibes.
  • Lakewood Church should donate that money to help the homeless
  • When a “man of the book” wears $2000 suits, lives in mansions with several “vacation properties”, and has multiple luxury cars/ man toys, people should question his motives…..Not send him their hard earned money like mindless goats!
  • a plumber is more honest than someone in the church.
  • He did the right thing not taking it he is more honest than Joel Osteen could ever be!!! It was put there for a reason if it was all just cash!!! I think it was reported stolen for a reason!!! Should give that plumber 10% of what was found !!! God bless that hard working plumbing for being honest God saw it I guarantee that !!!
  • “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.”
  • I have listened to joel osteen’s sermons and just get an ick feeling in my gut. that’s enough for me to know something is off regardless of his large church or mansions or toys. I don’t see why others aren’t more i touch with this gut.