Amiga CD32 - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews the Amiga CD32 console. Watch as the Nerd dives head first into some of the worst video games ever. The Amiga CD32 had such "gems" as Gloom, Kang Fu, Oscar, Naughty Ones, Morph, Beavers, Zool, Dangerous Streets, and of course Surf Ninjas for some reason. This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 162


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#AngryVideogameNerd #AmigaCD32 #AVGN162

コメント (21)
  • The only reason he didn't make a beaver joke is because he didn't give a dam
  • I remember a preview in a Swedish Amiga magazine that said "No, it's not a graphics bug, Gloom looks like this".
  • Kang Fu is easily one of the most cursed games that the Nerd has ever played.
  • Kang fu is actually a realistic representation of the every day life in australia
  • Nerd: “Imagine beating a whole level of doom, in 10 seconds” Speed runners: “8, take it or leave it”
  • To be fair, if Kang-Fu's title reflected it's actual gameplay, in that you use a gun, they'd have had to have called it Kang-Bang.
  • @Star88701
    Watching this video three years after it came out, I'm just now realizing the genius of labeling your power cables.
  • @brycevo
    CD 32? That's 20 less than Action
  • Hope you guys are enjoying the new Nerd videos. There's a few more coming out before the end of the year. Unfortunately, this episode is NOT on Amazon Prime yet, we are having some technical issues with the service... also, we aren't happy that fans outside of the US & UK can't even use it yet. We are working on a solution. For the time being, new AVGN episodes will appear on YouTube first. There will be an update video once we figure it out. Thanks!
  • As a British man the funniest part of this was when he "adapted" his swears to British ones 😂😂😂
  • “Imagine completing an entire DOOM level in 10 seconds.” Don’t show James DOOM speed running
  • Great episode as always, I often see comments on newer Nerd videos saying "this reminds me of classic AVGN", but to me, you've never lost your touch, especially of late. Always enjoy more AVGN
  • Kang-Fu should’ve had it’s own episode. I’ve played the entire game and it gets worse and worse.
  • Half of these games remind me of MS-DOS ones that you would find on a compilation CD-ROM you'd get with your new computer back in the day.
  • Growing up I always wanted a Sega Megadrive or Super Nintendo like my friends and cousins had at their homes. But one day my father came home with this monstrosity. Yes, my early gaming childhood was to Oscar instead of Mario or Sonic and I've never found anyone else who can relate to me on this.
  • Wow, didn't think you could top "You and your friends are dead" as a game over screen but the kangaroo skeleton was pretty amazing.
  • I feel the engineering and design of this thing was basically let's take everything that's been estaisbed in game consoles and not use that.