My Thoughts on Going 50/50 in Dating #datingadviceforblackwomen #blackgirldating #blackwomendatingti


コメント (21)
  • The way I keep rewatching this because it is MUSIC to my ears🤭🤭🤭. Yes. Let's make it clear to these men. We don't speak "payese" 😂🤭
  • I used to be all for going dutch but not anymore. Once I went to meet a guy at the movies since I got there first I decided to buy the tickets. When he arrived I told him I got the tickets so he just had to get the popcorn and drinks and that I was willing to share the popcorn. He yelled at me that I had paid for the tickets because it was less money and left him with what I knew was pricier! WHAT?? Instant turnoff! 🚩😒
  • @hellohey000
    I would go and buy a ticket in a different section and strike up a conversation with a different man there. Preferably a man who actually knows what it means to be a gentleman.
  • Yeah, I don't speak "pay" either. That's not a date! Ugh!🤨😤
  • A guy I dated invited me to his best friend's wedding. He picked a hotel on his own without consulting me, wanted me to pay my way AND room with him. Wtf? I like traveling so I'd been happy to go on my own out of town, enjoy the trip and sites, stay in my own hotel and meet him at the event independently as a sly way of saying hell to the no. He then uninvited me and said "why don't we leave the cards where they lay.." and came up with some BS excuse. I dumped him shortly after.
  • @Fuchsiababe
    That’s not a date. That’s a free ad for the play. He KNOWS he’s wrong for that.
  • Definitely 150% in Friend zone. Not a date & misconstrued budding relationship as romantic. And while understand many men will not spend alot of $ while in vetting process, will at least buy a drink or two to spend some time to get to know them. But lately, successful men will do this in the beginning to quickly weed ones that are opportunists.