The Positive Natural Home Birth Story of our 7th Baby | BRADLEY METHOD BIRTH

Published 2021-11-02
We are happy to introduce you to our new baby BOY! I had a peaceful and positive home birth, and I'm excited to share my story with you.

You can listen to my other positive natural birth stories here-
Daniel's home birth-    • Meet our new baby | Positive Home Bir...  
Micah's home birth-    • Bradley Method Home Birth Story- Posi...  
Eli's van birth-    • Baby in the van birth story | ACCIDEN...  
Jude's home birth-…
I shared a recap of all of my births on my podcast-    • 32. My hospital births compared to my...  

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way- (As an Amazon associate, I make a small commission on qualifying purchases.)

Purely Parsons birth affirmations-…


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All Comments (21)
  • @spinnyjb1
    “I had a contraction. Laid down on the ruggable rug and then got back up and did dishes” 😂😂😂 If that ain’t the mom-est sentence of the century!!! He’s so beautiful. ♥️ He looks like a David.
  • @tammyhuie
    I once met a 16 year old first time momma that had her baby at home with a midwife and she prayed thru every contraction with NO screams nor cries. Amazing Moms!
  • @bethanym4524
    I love seeing your daughter watching the midwife explain things. So cool to see the next generation of girls being raised with a positive perspective on birth, instead of a fearful one. 😊 And so sweet that your midwives interacted with your kids like that!
  • @alive7bc
    Oh those precious moments of just staring at your new baby in your own bed while everyone else is sleeping is just the BEST! I probably don’t sleep a full 24 hours after labor. I’m always so wired and just can’t stop just thinking about the birth, being thankful to the Lord and looking at all their little features. I highly recommend home birth!
  • @marge3157
    My kids are 25 almost 24 and almost 22. It's funny how when you hear a woman talk about giving birth, you go right back to your own experience. Congratulations!
  • @donnahardin4651
    You’re remind me of my grandmother who birthed 8 kids on the farm — of course, you’re the modern version of her!! beautiful. When the siblings saw the baby - it made me cry - such a natural, beautiful experience.
  • @amdouglass2001
    We just had our 7th October 13th. I did an unassisted homebirth and she was my biggest at 10.4!! My biggest before her was 9lbs, so quite a difference lol. She was my most peaceful birth. I’ve done all natural with all of them, but man, having no one but my husband there was just so calming. Congratulations!!
  • @pattyadams2338
    That look on your daughters face when she’s leaning in while the mid wife was listening to the heart beat!! ❤️ absolutely precious
  • She's just casually tying up loose ends around the house, aka working through early labor😳😂. So glad to see such a different view than the same old dramatic/traumatic hospital stories. Congrats on that beautiful baby boy. God bless!
  • I’m pregnant with my 5th and due in January and this makes me so excited!! I LOVE having babies. It’s one of the greatest blessings God gives.❤️
  • @mikat688
    First of all, these comments are so inspiring! Mommas having more than 2 kids is so amazing to me ! So much dedication and hard work ! I’m pregnant with my 2nd and I’m freaking out , so I’m praising everyone having so many kids and so many pregnancies and labours ! Moms are incredible. Secondly , I’m going to keep watching this video to inspire and train myself for my labor !
  • @adriana091800
    I’m only 21, but I can’t wait to have this ❤️
  • It’s precious that one of your children said “good job Buddy” when the midwife said new baby has a strong heartbeat. ♥️. What an amazing experience for all of you. Congratulations!
  • @jclapine94
    I was tearing up when you were talking about the first night after baby is born. I had my first 5 weeks ago. My husband was deployed from week 10 to week 39, so most of my pregnancy I was alone. It wasn’t until he was born and I heard him cry and held him for the first time that it sunk in. I’d wanted a baby for 6 years or so, so it felt too good to be true!
  • @dhvh6580
    I just had to say how much I appreciated this. Your story sounds very similar to mine. I'm getting ready to have my 8th and my last birth had a couple small complications. My sister had a very difficult birth for her 8th and I've been thinking that I've had pretty straight-forward births so far, so maybe it's time for a hard one. You made me change my mindset to "maybe it's time for my best birth yet." I also thought transition was just impossible to relax through. Now I'm going to try! Thank you very much for allowing God to use you to help so many have a positive attitude towards birth! God bless you and your family!
  • @marquesn77
    You are living such a beautiful life, what a blessing to bring this little one into the world - thanks for being a light Lisa, when I watch your videos I think - “now that’s what Proverbs 31 was talking about” 💕💕💕
  • @ozarkview928
    I’m a grandma now but have seven children they were all born at home , no ultra sounds no medication, and I would totally agree with you it’s not the weight that matters as the baby’s build and position! My 7 pounder wide shouldered son was harder the my 9 pounders !Still enjoy birth stories! Such a precious little son you were gifted again ! How exciting 5 boys in a row ! Congratulations!
  • I was so excited to watch this! I just found out this past weekend that I’m pregnant with our 6th baby. I’ve had 5 babies in the last 5 years, all home births and all in the birthing pool (I just labored in the pool with 2 babies, and actually birthed in the pool with my other 3 babies). They’ve all been fast births, thankfully. Once contractions start, it’s usually only 1-2hrs before they are born; all healthy 8-10 lb babies! (My 5th baby was an accidental unassisted birth because I didn’t call the midwife in time and it was the “easiest” and fastest birth so far). But unlike you, I’m loud and yelling while birthing... some how that works for me lol I think I’m going to look into the Bradley method for my 6th, to at least learn to try to relax. Thank you for this beautiful and encouraging story! You are blessed and your family is blessed! May The Lord Jesus continue to strengthen you physically, mentally and spiritually! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! 💛
  • @Erinraewellness
    I had my first baby in January. Painless, magical home birth. I can’t wait to do it again ❤️. Loved your positive story.
  • It's so fun to hear about your beautiful birth experience. My 2 home births were 40+ years ago and my babies were about 8.5 pounds, too. I LOVED giving birth! My experience was mostly painless. I always described it as intense pressure instead of pain. The key is in learning to relax, isn't it. I felt like my body knew what to do and I had to get out of the way and let it do its thing. You are the first other person I have heard describe their birthing experience as painless. God bless you and your family!