How to Help Stop Distracted Driving


I recently watched a video put together by Travelers Insurance that was an extremely powerful message - an interview with a family that lost a son while he was out on a run due to DISTRACTED DRIVING.

As a fellow runner, cyclist and triathlete and a father with hopes that his children will maintain an active lifestyle - I was extremely emotional while watching these parents talk about their son, his love for running and the tragedy that occurred.

The staggering number of people killed DAILY in the USA due to a distracted driver 100% blew my mind.

I don't think it comes as any big surprise to any of us that it's dangerous to text and drive. We've all shouldered the increased cost of auto insurance as well as slaps on the wrists or tickets handed out by our local law enforcement.

We know it's bad. Yet, we still are all guilty of checking who wrote that email...or seeing what exactly your spouse wanted in that last text message.

But when people are dying at a pace significant enough for the CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) to have a landing page dedicated to Distracted Driving...well then, it's an epidemic that needs to be addressed.

This is an epidemic that we can avoid.

A terrible habit that we ALL have developed - myself included.

When thinking about a way to bring awareness and to remind ourselves to avoid the distractions Clayton Rhoads came up with an amazing idea.

I would LOVE it if you joined me/us in drawing a 9 on your hand and posted your picture in the comments.

Thanks for watching, sharing and drawing a 9

- Woody Brown


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