ELVIS - Bridge Over Troubled Water (NEW mix! Great sound!) Reaction

Publicado 2019-01-28

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Elvis didn't see color. He actually lived in the ghetto as a child. Don't let the haters ruin your love for his music. How many superstars do you know that feel guilty for making it? He did. He did so many things for all people. Very humble, very grateful, unmatchable beauty and talent. Keep on experiencing the greatest entertainer of all time man as often as you can.
  • @Praire22
    Thank you so much for defending Elvis. For those that think for one second that he had a racist bone in his body, find interviews of black artists who worked with him that knew him well. Cissy Huston (one of his back up singers) for one. His beloved cook for 25 years. He surprised her with a house. Elvis wouldn't stay anywhere (hotels and such) if they didn't allow EVERY person in his band. He was the antithesis of racist. It breaks my heart that this rumor is believed by some. NOT TRUE...DAMN IT!!! Love u JB💜
  • @rowenanunn590
    Elvis had his faults but hating the African American was NOT one of them! 😊 Love love love you JB ❣️
  • @jeffkeeton4787
    Saying Elvis was a racist is coming from complete ignorance about the man. You’re Elvis videos are terrific. I look forward to them. Please keep up the good work. What you are doing is greatly appreciated.
  • @Bionic_Fonzie
    This song was originally composed by Paul Simon and performed by Simon & Garfunkel in 1970. Paul went to see Elvis in 1970 and after hearing him sing this had this to say: "When I first heard Elvis perform 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' it was unbelievable. I thought to myself, 'How the hell can I compete with that?'"
  • Elvis was supposed to perform at a Texas stadium but they didn’t want the sweet inspirations to be with him as they were different in colour. Elvis Didn’t like that. So he refused point blank to perform unless the girls could Perform too. So they had no choice Elvis or no Elvis. These girls aren’t being treat differently from anyone else. Elvis and the sweet inspirations performed that day. Elvis brought people together. He also was purchasing a car in a dealership and a Black lady was looking in, obviously dreaming about having a car like that. Elvis notices the lady and in 20 minutes handed her the keys. These story’s are in circulation but you don’t hear them. They are true and that’s what Elvis did for people. His words were, I like seeing the reaction on folk when I buy them things, it makes me feel good. Also a group of female fans ripped his clothes and when asked about it Elvis simply said. They paid for them, they aloud me to have These clothes so they can do what they want with them.
  • @wackywocky3271
    Elvis was mates with Muhammad Ali and even bought him a expensive robe
  • @teresadutson3121
    Worst birthday ever. I came running down the stairs singing and smiling, it's my birthday, it's my birthday. The house was so quiet. NO TV, NO radio. I couldn't find anybody. I finally found my grandma in the dining room. she looked like she had lost her best friend. I ran up to her and I hugged her and I said nana, nana today is my birthday, today is my birthday. She said, I know baby, I know. I just couldn't understand why nobody was excited. She said, baby when I got up this morning I was listening to the news, and she said, baby, Elvis died last night. I looked at her I said, oh you're wrong. You are wrong. I was so mad. I didn't know why she would say that. I stomped out of that room, oh I was mad. I'm turned on the TV, I couldn't have been 6in from that TV. I remember it vividly. A newscaster came on and said, ladies and gentlemen, THE King, Elvis Presley, has died overnight. He was found at Graceland, dead of an apparent heart attack. I will never forget. I was on my knees, my butt sitting on my feet, my head to one side and my mouth wide open. I turned my head and I looked at her, turned and looked back at the TV, turned and looked back at her then turned back to the TV, just sitting there with my mouth wide open. I jumped up and I screamed, August 17th is not my birthday no more and I ran up the stairs to my room and flopped myself on my bed. It didn't matter he died the day before. I knew for the rest of my life, every birthday, I would remember that on my birthday, when I turned 9, it was the day I found out Elvis died. I didn't want that bad memory on my birthday. I was mad at God, I was mad at Elvis for leaving. At night from like 4 they had some of Elvis's movies playing. My grandma came up and called me and she said come on now it's time. When I went down the stairs and I saw Clambake on TV, I didn't know whether to cry or smile. That was my favorite Elvis movie ever all time. Singing on the beach with the kids, giving them confidence. I learned how to spell confidence because of that movie. I don't know how they knew play that particular movie because he had so many others that were much bigger hits, but for me it was like he picked it for me.
  • A lot of people are so so Jealous of Elvis and his continuing fame which will never end and that's what's its really all about. Elvis is the king of music and always will be
  • @tonyvogler7778
    Elvis was born so poor, He became a King, He was total Color Blind, never forgot where he came from, Thank you for your nice words about a very Loved man!
  • @blizzardbaby
    Yay, I love to see other Elvis fans. I was born the year after he died and I didn't really learn about him until my mid twenties after reading a biography on him. I then read so many other books about him and there is nothing that shows he was racist, much the opposite! He was devastated by the assassination of MLK Jr., it happened in his home of Memphis, too. Let's not forget too that Elvis grew up in poverty and lived in Shake Rag, Tupelo which was predominantly black. Really, he has an extraordinary story and was a one of a kind person who didn't really know how special he was. His music has got me through some hard times. Thank you Elvis...
  • @Anubis2976
    Thanks a lot for this song :) Elvis never hated black people, he grew up in Tupelo, Mississipi and played with black kids, then he introduced black music into main stream, he sang black blues and gospel music. He had a choir of black girl as back up singers called The Sweet Inspiration, he was best friend with Muhamad Ali and others. This rumous are just awful.
  • @jennytmaher
    Elvis is a gift that keeps on giving. He never stops surprising you.
  • @sheilaknigge3507
    I Love how the younger generation enjoy the King Elvis Presley ....I was only 13 when he passed and sad that he is gone but never forgotten..I just Love Elvis !!! Continue doing what you are doing you are AWESOME !! Can you plz place its NOW OR NEVER one of my Favorite song thank you
  • @ajsmith5295
    Respect to youman for speaking the truth and the love for good music and Elvis same Elvis who had love for all music and all people
  • @Goodwin1961
    Elvis was a man with faults, but being racist wasn’t one of them, best singer ever, the man had it all !!
  • @gigimoore3738
    Elvis didn't see color, he saw people & talent. The rest of us should follow in that same vein. ☺