Top 10 Strongest 4 Star Operators in Arknights (2024)

Published 2024-01-04
4-star operators are the easiest to get and build, but with so many options in the game it can be confusing on who to build
So, in this video I will give you my top 10 operators to build as a new player.
Also leave me a comment on who's your favorite four-star operators.

All Comments (21)
  • @dagyoo
    I have seen some critiquing comments and I want to walk you through my thinking process 1- this is a top 10 list I can't include all the good operators (like someone said Vigna is good but I don't think she is to 10) and that takes us to the second point 2- this list is based on my opinion and experience playing the game, I've said that in the intro 3- I have also said in the intro that this is for new players so don't expect me to recommend Purestream over Sussurro because you need to E2 her with the module to be better, which takes us to the 4th point 4- I added the recommendation to Elite 2 just to put perspective for new players on how these operators will perform later, the core of the video is still based on these operators being E1 ( because again this list is for new players, and new players will eventually get operators better than most of the 4-star operators) and this takes us to point 5 5- Myrtle is number one because (of course, she is good) and other operators can't replace her role unlike other 4-star operators Again this is just my thinking process, thank you so much for your comments
  • @ak_nora
    7:00 "Elite 2 doesn't effect his crowd control a lot" Oh no, you're gravely mistaken. E2 grants access to module and masteries. His module increases his bind chance to 28%, and extends the bind to 3.5s, conveniently as long as his attack interval. S2M3 gives him 3x multiplier on the bind chance. Pair them both, you go from 62.5% bind with 0.5s gap, to 84% permabind chance. That's massive. On the topic of module, Purestream is the better medic compared to Sussurro. She loses heal penalty with module lv1, effectively making her a wide range full medic. lv3 boosts her burst healing, edging over Sussurro.
  • @cirnobyl9158
    For people who enjoy IS especially on high difficulty, Ethan is arguaby #1. He does so much for a 4*, outclassing Manticore, Kirara, and sometimes even Mizuki with his very long binds. Doesn't matter that enemies have 5000 ATK if they can't move.
  • @dreignknightaj
    Myrtle is kinda the best investment in E2 priority not only is she cheap to build but also one of the best dp generator. And having an e2 unit means you can set her as a support unit so that you can also borrow E2 units from your friends or randos
  • I would suggest to E2 ethan and mastery his 2nd skill plus lvl 3 module. With lvl 3 module and mastery 3, his bind rate is 84% and for 3.5 second duration instead of 62.5% chance and 2 seconds.
  • @GawainW
    I still think Perfumer is the most underrated 4*. A global regen effect that can even heal Mushas and Juggernauts is amazing.
  • @Andreviel
    Good guide for newbees. Replacements for Jay are: Lappland - the main silencer in the game and Mountain - almost invincible self-healing tiger.
  • @ahmedfalahy9337
    Video does not mention modules Ethan and Jaye modules help a LOT
  • @THasart
    Nice video. Though I'd say that for Jaye, higher rarity replacement aren't dollkeepers, but Mountain.
  • @EvionFox
    I really appreciate both this and the 5 star guide. I'm a very new player that came in halfway through the Adelle event and was scrambling to build my low-rarity team enough to be able to beat at least sl-8. My favorite thing about these vids is how thoughtfully they feature the operators' skills and where their strengths are, often making me take a second look at operators I may have ignored (Sorry Jay). I'd love to see similar sort of videos if you'd want to focus on different archetypes, like "top guards" or "top vanguards."
  • @kadse2994
    Fun fact some 4 star operators shines really well in certain event stages, for examples Ethan's S1 can delete a swarm of spawned floating teawares in the Invitation to Wine event with ease and Pinecone's S1 destroys the fast (and annoying) worms in the Operation Originium Dust (aka. R6 collab) event
  • @jinvu
    Don't forget Ethan's skill 1 (the dot dmg one) is super useful in some map types, it's the weird Asian map type with the enemies that leave behind fragments that require a certain number of hit counts to die rather than total damage value dealt. The dots wreck these guys and Ethan is mandatory on my team for these maps.
  • @Auroraen
    quick correction, both saileach and elysium have better dp gen than myrtle, with or without masteries myrtles first activation is sooner, but she generates 14 dp every 30s for 0.467 dpps, and sai/ely generate 18 dp every 34s for 0.529 dpps (at sl7 0.486 dpps) and where cutter :(
  • @Thalliet
    I think there should be a Honorable Mention to Totter. :D I'm not a lot knowledgeable of Arknights, but what i know it's that he's one of few or literally the only one who's capable to just target an invisible enemy. Even if he's not as a saver as some of those (since if he can attack them, he won't prioritize attacking those specially). As a 4★ Star with such a unique skill, he helped me a lot to deal with Enemies way too far or those that another of my DPS couldn't see. So, if you're a Newcomer, i would recommend you to build, mainly if you don't have much options to deal with invisible enemies that are too problematic.
  • @blumstein3468
    One correction I would like to posit, all else ignored, is that Ethan significantly benefits from E2. Combined with S2M3 and his Module, he goes from 75% to 84% bind chance. Furthermore, a 3.0s bind is about a 100% uptime provided he binds the enemies consistently. A 9% increase isn't that notable, but an 84% bind chance is high enough to rely on for auto clears. Yes, I know you don't focus much on Modules since this is a guide for new dokutahs. It's still good info to know, and definitely a notch in Ethan's favor.
  • @Only_Ameen04
    HG really screwed up big time with 4* Myrtle being irreplaceable They should've made Saileach's talent reduce her own dp cost instead of next operator. At least that'll make her somewhat comparable.
  • @Luxo-tm9mp
    Since is a list for new player the opertors you recommend to replace should be 5* or 6* that are not limited
  • Honorable mention should be Pudding, her S2 dmg output is bigger than other 5* 6* chain casters sometimes. Some of my first module-unlocked ops are Ethan, Indigo, May and Pudding, those 4 make me skip Trinity model many times, especially in contents like SSS and CC. Also, have anyone told you that chain caster is a must in SSS?
  • @bakujin
    A few personal picks for me. Perfumer, her talent which provides passive healing helps sustain operators and summons which cannot be healed and also group healing is a nice. Snowsant a puller which I feel more comfortable with. Bubble, well she is just a personal pick.