Finding the *MYTHIC* CHEST in Fortnite

Published 2023-02-21
Today we're going to find the very best chest to ever exist in Fortnite. Let's see what insane loot we find!

Use code tomato because it's cool (Epic partner)

Music from epidemicsound

All Comments (21)
  • @kiki5064
    Back in my day, slurp juice was purple rarity
  • @sofiedoll1864
    I am your biggest fan tomato you are rhe best tomato 🍅 lol
  • Is it me or does tomato have like the best aim on the planet today
  • Tomato man I love you so much like actually you’re my favorite you Korea in the world I am subscribed to you as always and I like your videos I watch everything new videos to post and I like the teatime to check chapter food in fortnight exotic weapons the weapons summer trash summer day and I am in is the best in the❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • Tomato in been watching you for maybe your first vid! Also I love the vids
  • @HVisions
    Do a vending machine only challenge considering there have become very useful lately. They can give you blue/purple weapons and exotics as well
  • Darth Vader rights part two You ask him to move in a angry tone when he is just trying to help pls read this so he can be treated with respect