Her and His(Their) Strength Poem

Published 2021-02-19
hope you guys find this piece insightful. Here is the text version of the poem below:

She knows her own strength,
Standing tall and confident,
Yet she shares her power with him,
If only because she loves him so

She is a lady that has no price,
Yet she gives him her love unconditionally,
Spurring him on,
Allowing him to fully embrace her

She is him,
The reflection in the mirror illuminating his shadow,
Seeing her there as she sees him,
Smiling at him as a reminder that she will always be there for him

She is beauty, strength, and grace,
But she is also the reminder within the shadows to let him take her form once in a while,
Embrace her energy so that she can take the lead at times,
And recognize that her strength as well will allow him to become healed, balanced, and whole as long as they work together in harmony and balance and learn from one another,
Just as Spring and Fall, Light and Shadow, Sun & Moon learn from one another,
Bringing forth illumination for each other as their energies meld together harmoniously

-Gemshadow Illuminated

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