The Zelda Timeline EXPLAINED!

Published 2023-05-06
I find that most people want to know more about the timeline since Tears of the Kingdom is so close to release! The most confusing part is the timeline split of Ocarina of Time so as a self-proclaimed Zelda expert, I am here to hopefully explain!

All Comments (21)
  • @arowyn.m
    Ganondorf mid-suavemente in the background
  • @Gamerboy-wm3kj
    People say that no matter what, all of the timelines merge into one and then that is when BOTW happens so it is at the end of every timeline and TOTK is after that
  • @Wazicaa
    this feels like i just watched an entire video and its amazing
  • @nintendoborn
    That last spot on the timeline at the end. The boys have already completed that
  • actually it's not when you die in the Gannon fight that the "the hero is defeated" timeline occurs, it's every other time you time travel in the game, which you are required to do because of the spirit temple, and to a lesser extent the song of storms. though it's most likely referring to the spirit temple since there is no way forward without time travel so that's a form of defeat
  • @blorange6795
    Appreciation for the terminalmontage Ganon in the background
  • @aaronabc
    And now the zonai seemingly retconning skyward sword makes it even more confusing
  • @senorgastor
    Downfall: Lost the third dimension Child: A kid then a man then a wolf Adult: Water
  • @Apple_Sauce_Zelda
    This was probably the most informative version of the timeline I’ve ever seen! 😂 lol
  • @Mit2u.
    “Demises hatred incarnated: Ganondorf!” ‘OOOOOH MA GAAA’
  • @Syndicate_LS
    Coming to this video after totk released, I think that they willingly just created a new timeline. Literally every remnant of sheika tech is gone asides from the purah pad, a lot of things seem to be missing, such as the giant ass Divine beasts. Because of what happens in totk, it pushes zonai from being hunted at here and there to being so prevalent it’s overwhelming how much tech and structures of theirs exists
  • @barnoldthatsit6822
    Considering that the Rito are an evolution of the Zora, and both Zora and Rito exist in BoTW probably means that BoTW and ToTK are the 3 timelines merged into one.
  • @Bearqua
    the end where he says “dear lord that’s confusing” sums up the entire lore to this series😭 also if you loved BOTW then you’ll love TOTK the dungeons are GREAT!
  • @TeaIngyer
    I'm pretty sure BOTW is a timeline created after the goddess of time repaired all divergent timelines into one. This is why Rito and Zora exist side by side. If that's not the case, then it's the Twilight Princess timeline as the Twilight Realm is indirectly mentioned in Zelda's dialogue, and several locations are named after characters from Twilight Princess.
  • @SlimyTheNekoslime
    Well BotW takes plase in the fallen timeline as proven by the Zelda history book that was released 2 years after BotW.
  • @PFGFrankly
    They say it's 2-3 years in the future but I think it's more like 5 years in the future. Half a decade seem decent
  • @jaman6908
    this is good and all but the wind waker ost go hard
  • Nintendos stance on where to place breath of the wild in the timeline: we don’t care where it goes, and you shouldn’t either. Now go buy our game.
  • @erikelert4066
    Actually, Ganondorf is not the reincarnation of demise. Ganondorf is just a normal male Gerudo. I mean, he wasn't really normal because of the Triforce of power that he somehow got. BUT, his demon form, Ganon, that is a reincarnation of Demise. There are also some theorys that demise also reincarnated in other monsters, for example, the calamity Ganon.