Behind German far-right party AfD's 'no to Ukraine' in the EU

Published 2024-07-01
A leading figure of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party told DW News that Ukraine should not join the European Union. Beatrix von Storch also called for a halt to German weapon deliveries to Kyiv, an end to the fighting in Ukraine and the start of negotiations with Russia to cease hostilities.
The AfD deputy parliamentary group leader also shared her views on transgender rights, the results of the recent EU parliamentary elections and the upcoming regional elections in eastern Germany, where the AfD is projected to gain ground.
DW’s Chief Political Editor Michaela Küfner spoke to von Storch at an AfD party convention in the German town of Essen.


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All Comments (21)
  • “How would you bring Russia to the negotiating table with no preconditions?” - “I would stop sending Ukraine weapons.” An actual exchange. So she expects Russia to come to the peace table sooner by making UKRAINE weaker??????????
  • @ericpoeperic
    She sounds like one of those Karens back here in the USA.
  • All wars were ended with peace talks ? This woman has to be a joke right ?
  • @benyajang
    She was telling , give up . Give your country to Russia .
  • @oluwaseunajia
    I have not seen a more crazy person interviewed, save for Putler himself. WTH is Germany doing?!
  • @viktork.9847
    so she's telling that ww2 ended with peace talks?
  • I like it when journalists are more knowledgeable than some politicians.
  • @aensti9077
    …She‘s German and says „every war ended with peace talks“….??????
  • @Jbarazi1
    I don't think that people who vote for someone like this are aware of what they are voting for.
  • So just capitulate to Russia, in other words? I wonder how she would feel if Stalin had gotten all of Germany under the Communist Bloc and if the Iron Curtain had never fallen? Some things are worth fighting for, especially when that "thing" is all of Western Civilization.
  • in Germany, in some party seem to miss the days of the GDR and when the instructions came from Moscow
  • @oskarfjortoft
    I dont know anything about the current political landscape in Germany. That said, having an angry little gremlin-esque party leader with a weird haircut didn't work out the last time they tried it.
  • @Qilin_Pegasus
    Nobody gave Poland weapons and look what happened to them, First partition of Poland 1772, Second Partition 1793, Third Partition 1795. Giving up land for peace is a good way to stop being a country
  • @DenisGobbi
    Someone voted this crazy woman in germany? this is sad
  • @RudolphoAqui
    Do you also advocate to negotiate with Ebola virus?
  • @tomreit
    "We do not judge about the system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example, we do not judge about other illegitimate governments..." Boy, that was quick.