Why Yu-Gi-Oh Pros Are NOT HAPPY About the 2024 NAWCQ


コメント (21)
  • "All this money spent, and nothing to show for it." -everyone that bought Fiendsmith and still lost.
  • Last ycs first place won with 18 handtraps. Now they win with 20 handtraps. What a format
  • There’s a saying I have for yugioh after playing this game for 10 years plus. “Sometimes it’s just not your format.”. It’s that simple. It can be the card pool, the strategies, the banlist, the general complexities of the game and the aspect that regardless of how hard you deck theory, play test, and even if you purchase the meta cards, when you draw the first hand your still under the rule of randomized variants of hands. Some players get the god hands, others get the bricks.
  • Different people being at the top does not mean the format is unskilled Same thing with the reverse
  • @BGLoscar
    If the best deck has 15 starters and 25 non-engines and it still wins even after some misplays, then it is a bad format. AD said it himself, he misplayed, but he still won because of how good the deck is (maybe he is just being humble).
  • @FabriZoh
    Personally I don’t think just because notable players didn’t top means the format isn’t “skilled”. the players who did are skilled too but haven’t had their moment to shine until now. It is def a boring/repetitive format but some of the plays the top cut made, not just anyone could do or think of in this high pressure situations. Great discussion and vid!
  • @Dinsho_
    Reminds me of the format where everyone played the adventure engine to safely scythe lock each other
  • Disagree the “pros” just be slipping cause they didn’t take last format seriously and didn’t prepare for this one. They got outplayed simple as that. No excuses.
  • Shout-out to the 1 magical musketeer guy. Man is out there, trying alone, to make the game interesting again.
  • @Seveinis
    After seeing so many pros complain about a diverse meta when rescue ace / unchained was still good I could care less whatever dog water opinion they have regarding the meta
  • @LevonRo
    People also forget that yes yugioh is a skill based game but there’s also luck involved. Sometimes it’s not your day, you brick, lose die rolls, your opponent has every interruption and a 1 card combo, etc. I understand being upset you didn’t top. But at the same time Pak specifically can’t say he has nothing to show for it. He is a house hold name in Yugioh. To me it comes off arrogant and ignorant.
  • Saw Aditya's deck profile, I didn't like how he admitted to the deck carrying him after miss played left right and center throughout the whole tournament. Kinda disappointed in Jesse's results especially since he's been getting the first 2 round buys at every event he's been going to.
  • Bro. Pak, Jesse, Ureña, Le Blanc, etc. The Pros. They aren’t the only guys with the brains and the sunk time around any more. Specially on a national tournament to qualify for worlds… Maybe the best players did win, maybe Pak and Jesse were not the best this tournament, maybe there is more than 100 names with talent? I’m not saying the format is good, but players in top cut definitely navigated their matches with skill and their decks lists contain certain choices that deviated from the norm like the new rabbit, maining the Mulcharmy or the mature chronicle that were seen being effective
  • Most Tenpai Decks are out in Top 64, as when you get to top cut, everybody knows your deck. So Yubel is definetly stronger than Tenpai, but with Snake-Eyes running rampage, it really feels again like a tier 0. Oh well, back to Edison Tournaments I guess.
  • @ct1296
    One thing I was considering could be a factor was the prevalence of this reportedly format-solving spreadsheet, being an essential part of seemingly every known pro player’s prep. I don’t want to understate how useful of a resource it is / how much time went into making it, but I don’t remember a format where everyone was so spreadsheet-pilled during testing. I understand why - there are such an insane number of lines with the FS cards, and the format has such a small margin for error that you need to navigate those lines correctly. But I do wonder if some of the “lesser known” players looked at the spreadsheet and were able to find exploits to the lines everyone else was going for + come up with some combo patterns of their own that skirt around the usual “where to handtrap” flowchart, rather than just absorbing the information.
  • I mean what about the other players that did well and not considered “ pro” players! U can’t take away from they having skill! Cause they clearly shown they do!
  • Coinflip format. Problem it was already a coinflip format just not in the mirror.
  • @McBeastys
    Just because 8 people didn’t make the top cut doesn’t mean the format is unskilled. This game has variance and it is a format with no previous tournaments before this set release
  • They always cry when they down. But when they up its "I got the guu" foh
  • I’m sorry but how does not making top cut for certain players mean that this format isn’t skillful? Every dog has his day sometimes u win others u don’t, yes they may make top cut most of the time but just because they’re struggling now doesn’t mean this format isn’t skillful, maybe other players just got better. Everyone is literally playing the same deck the better player won that’s how I see it