P.T./Silent Hill Hints Discovered In Kojima's OD Game Reveal Trailer & Presentation

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1:    • OD (Overdose) - Reveal Trailer (Hideo...  
2:    • Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele present...  
3: cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/unr…
4: www.reddit.com/r/DeathStranding/comments/18gyui9/a…
5: www.reddit.com/r/NeverBeGameOver/comments/18ey81g/…
6: twitter.com/gamepasstracker/status/173484661938678…
7: www.google.com/search?q=translate+japanese+to+engl…
8: www.google.com/search?q=translate+japanese+to+engl…
9: www.google.com/search?q=translate+japanese+to+engl…
10: www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/18dt3…

- Devon B
- gergely oggolder
- Jonathan Ball
- Charlie Galvin
- Gerardo Andrade
- Marketing aag
- Michael Redmond
- azalea
- dirt

コメント (21)
  • @YongYea
    Sorry for the reupload, got one of the actors' names wrong. Regardless of whether there is some actual connection to Silent Hill or this is just Kojima's way of saying this will be a spiritual successor with no direct ties, I'm just happy that Kojima is making a horror game, on his own terms. PATREON: www.patreon.com/yongyea TWITTER: www.twitter.com/yongyea INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/yong_yea TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@yongyea TOP PATRONS [BIG BOSS] - Devon B - gergely oggolder - Jonathan Ball [BOSS] - Charlie Galvin - Gerardo Andrade - Marketing aag - Michael Redmond [LEGENDARY] - azalea - dirt
  • @UmbrellaGent
    I'm pretty sure it's Kojima's way of letting people know that this is a spiritual successor to what Silent Hills would've been.
  • @NireFuster
    Really hoping that this is gonna be that one horror game Kojima wanted to make and that it will continue with concepts he originally had for Silent Hills, but the whole ''it's like a movie but also a game'' and ''new form of media'' thing is pretty scary to hear, because knowing Kojima it could be something really great and some huge innovation, but it also could be something extremely awful. I guess we'll see but something tells me it's gonna be a loooong time before we hear more about this project.
  • @Supercon57
    The phonetik panogram makes me think they are using it to train an AI voice model Speculation, but this could mean the characters could say things like your real name or respond to your actions or things like your voice input in realtime That could add a whole new level of immersion Very curious
  • keeping Reedus and Del Toro a secret for now would be very wise and strategic for Kojima. He could re-create the initial hype he generated with PT by announcing them down the road. If Konami isn't involved in whatever Hideo is cooking, they are probably incredibly pissed that this gem of a man is going to end up eating their lunch and burying their half-assed re-introduction of Silent Hill in one fell swoop.
  • Near the end of the trailer you can also hear a door opening and if you look in the eyes of the woman you can actually see the reflection of it. It baes sight resemblance to the PT door.
  • @D3th10rd
    I'd like to think that OD is going to be another rug pull name, similar to how PT pulled the rug on us to reveal Silent Hills. With PT being Playable Teaser (or something along those lines), I'm wondering if OD could be Official Demo or Original Dream or something along those lines. With both the Atami hidden message as well as the PT door, this feels very deliberate. Alternatively Kojima is fucking with us again and it actually has nothing to do with Silent Hill or anything related to that. You can never know with him.
  • @Toschez
    Shizuoka was indeed the origin of the first Silent Hill title; the story goes that the Japanese team had to share the sample code with the American team one time, and threw a direct translation of Shizuoka where one dev member was from. And the American team liked it. The locations and geography of PS1 Silent Hill said to have taken inspirations from Atami, hence the reference in this video making a strong case to me.
  • If this IS Silent Hills, we must keep in mind it won’t be the same as in 2014. People change. Ideas change.
  • @iantos1813
    Phonetic pangrams like that are often used to create synthetic, AI voices. The fact these actors say the phrase in different tones and emotions...it kind of suggests to me that such technology is going to be involved in the game, either in terms of it actually being implemented, or it being a plot point.
  • @CT-yc4gd
    Kojima was one of those rare creators who never quite let you know what was going on and it was simultaneously frustrating and exciting.
  • Funny thing is, Atami sits at the foothills of Mt. Fuji near the Aokigahara forest. Aokigahara is known for being a dark place in modern Japanese history as the forest where many Japanese citizens have gone in the past to commit suicide for various reasons. Kojima may also draw from a lot of dark lore about that. Only time will tell.
  • The reflections in their eyes look like the lights used from facial scanning in Hollywood. And the phrases they are say while expressing different emotions is used to capture data for digital replicas in film.
  • I was watching the original when I got that "This video no longer exists" error, or whatever the hell it says. Now I am wondering what the change was... Glad you reuploaded quickly, keep up the awesome work and Happy Holidays!
  • I don't always like his games but damn does he do a good lead up to a new game. Marketing campaign is insane.
  • @aaron_osborne
    The quick brown fox sentence I used in elementary school constantly for typing and writing on paper. The memories are flooding back such a clever hint. Kojima has just became a favorite of mine because of that.
  • We all know that Kojimas "Silent Hill" was going to be 95% his own thing with 5% actually connecting to the Silent Hill universe. That's just how he rolls. It probably took minimal effort to retool it into its own IP.
    "Hey, I've seen this one, this is a reupload!"
  • @Core2
    Only Kojima can do these kind of things, the guy really is one of a kind
  • @Some-Ryan
    OD = One Death? Kojima spoke about doing a game that you could only play once way back during the development of MGS2. Just a thought