Im Creating My Own Cinematic Universe!

Published 2024-02-26
Call me Kevin Feige, cause M-C-U later

Okay so backstory:
I made a lot of comic books as a kid (mostly stickmen cause I suck at drawing) and through the years of making them I accidentally made my own universe with it. when I realized this, I thought it was super cool, and it made me want to turn it into it's own timeline, with proper characters, villains, heroes, the whole thing. but I didn't really know how to start. while I was thinking of this, I also was running my YouTube channel, making casual videos for fun. then it hit me: "why don't I make my cinematic Universe ON my channel?" and that's where I am today.

it will work the same as the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and projects like it. I'm gonna introduce characters and their story, have a big villain show up, and the characters introduced will team up to fight it. I'll also make other projects connected to it, like origin stories, solo films, villain stories, side characters, the whole thing.

so yeah, it's gonna be sick

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