The complicated history of Black people enslaved by American Indians

Juneteenth marks the anniversary of the proclamation of freedom for enslaved people in Texas on June 19, 1865, but the last slaves on American soil were actually freed in 1866.

Verdie Triplett gave us a tour of his family and community Freedmen history in Fort Coffee.

Full story here:

コメント (16)
  • @vootamu1
    I see that a lot of people know that dark people were on every single continent before race based slavery and colonialism.
  • @Treasurelee10
    This is going on my moms side of the family they claimed Chickasaw,Choctaw and Siminole mix with black and some were slaves and it’s crazy I did a dna test too and we are more indigenous than black .
  • @dexkato7329
    A white $5 Indian is considered a real Indian. However, a black person who is partially Indian is rejected and told to go pound salt.
  • I would be considered a black american. It was always known there was native american heritage in the family. I found my grandmother as a 4 year old little girl on the dawes rolls. She was Cherokee but her bio father was half white half Cherokee and her mother was creek or seminole freedman. This man was probably in common law marriage with several creek women freedman. So in reality you can call it slavery or you can call it polygamy extended family. The family was told that grandma didn't like to talk about her heritage or that she was sent to a Methodist school for native girls. That christianity was beaten into her. She would marry my grandad a Methodist minister and leader in the black community. This is our heritage america as distasteful as it was. We as a people black and white and indigenous are going to have to accept the truth. That the seminole and muskogee nation were maroons. Maroons a people mixed with african and native blood and this demographic reality goes back to 1585 when the first black slaves intermarried with native people in florida and Georgia . Thousands of blacks are native American just like thousands of California Norteno Latinos are actually descending from the original Ohlone tribe of alta california. This is what happens when a people are disconnected from their history.
  • @janetprice85
    Sad to say slavery was practiced worldwide, in every country for thousands of years as an accepted practice and as a class of people and of every race. But in the New Testament we are told, "Before the throne of God there is no slave or free, no male or female, no rich or poor".
  • Alot of these so called Freedmen were actually Yamasee Indians
  • @LB-fl5dh
    Good info. I wish yall in the comments would atop trying to make everybody just because they got a tan...
  • @MegaAli213
    Tnis is also my family's history. We have our records dating back to 1650. We are Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole.
  • @Brookintellect
    He doesn’t know, he was just figuring out things as he went along
  • Please show the slave receipts. No slave receipts no proof they were slaves
  • But a lot of those people was family … black people are the Indians …..
  • @MegaAli213
    There's a difference between "Aboriginal indigenous people's and Native American people's. We are the copper colored Aboriginal indigenous people's not the clovis or Northern Asain hunter gathering group's who came across the land bridges during the end of the ice age. We arrived by the pacific ocean thousands of year's prior from Southeast Asia into the America's. There are archeological evidence and relics that date back to over 60,000 year's not 13,000 nor 18,000 years.