Last Epoch's "Harbingers of Ruin" Full Overview - The Crucial First Post-Launch Update

Nothing sets the tone of an online game's post launch lifecycle like it's first major update - Last Epoch's Harbingers of Ruin is set to be it's first big update since launch and it's bringing a new Pinnacle Boss, the Harbiner bosses, a new faction, the Nemesis item crafting system and some much needed endgame progression and quality of life changes.

   • The LAST EPOCH Beginner's Guide:  The...  
   • LAST EPOCH: Endgame Monolith of Fate ...  
   • LAST EPOCH: Can't Decide What to Play...  

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Music by Vindsvept

コメント (21)
  • People say this game is not for long time PoE players. I myself played PoE for 7 years, but I simply don't have enough time to feel good about playing PoE and I LOVED LE 1.0 to the point that I cannot wait for 1.1 and dont have plans to start new season of PoE. I think LE is for people like me - people who love PoE but simply lack time or dont want to sink all of it into a game. Plus we get to be there for the start of a "new" awesome arpg. How many of us wish we'd been there for the beginning of D2 or PoE...
  • That change to blessings is pretty huge. Farming them is such a slog and made switching builds/gear around such a huge pain and really demotivating. I think this is going to be a much bigger QoL change than people may give it credit for.
  • @nr1771
    Glad to hear that you've been helping them out by testing the pinnacle boss, Ziggy! Hopefully it'll be well-balanced at launch. The patch looks quite good.
  • It takes so much time and or rng to grind to get to endgame bosses in poe that I have to get excited for new bosses in other games.
  • @Xeratas
    The fact they don't release the boss to standard for a while is amazing. It makes the boos chase realy exciting to watch
  • For me, the skill balancing will be the make or break. I’m happy there will be more to push for at endgame, but I hope they hit the mark on the skills. Not looking for perfect, but significant improvement its important.
  • I am hyped! Will be there watching you stream on the 9th!!!!
  • I've yet to purchase Last Epoch but I'm still keeping in the loop. I'm intrigued to see how it improves over time and adds more polish and content like this, so even though I'm still waiting I'm quite keen to hop in when the time feels right. No particular reason, just haven't felt the need to rush into it yet. Thanks for the vid!
  • @ShaddyzZz
    Been playing LE since long before it even had MP. For sure i’ll play it. I always come back for a new update and try it for a week or two. Sometimes longer if i try a few different builds. Its a solid ARPG, with arguably the best and most interesting crafting system in the genre.
  • @monawoka97
    I will 100% be playing this. I am stoked to ride along on the epoch train :D
  • @Fallub
    Great video. I am already excited. Thank you.
  • My hope with all the ward changes is that hybrid (health/ward) builds pop up more
  • @JezzyHsu
    I hope the launch goes smoothly and servers stay strong, then I can play online and see MTX pets 😅
  • @setogod7
    nice love those QOL for item search it already had the best but had tons of room that even i knew how it could have been better
  • Pinnacle boss does sound pretty fun so might give it a go this new patch. Hope that they will add challenges or a variant to give more to chase in the end game though.
  • My biggest complaint about LE's launch, was the lack of end game content. I totally understood why it was lacking. You can't expect a new arpg to launch with the same amount of endgame content as PoE. So what I was looking forward to, was to see whether they would focus on expanding the end game in the first major update, or not. And it seems like that is exactly what they did. This has definitely made me excited to play again
  • @riftis2210
    This is a good step in the right direction but I found last epochs endgame a bit boring and I don't think this will be enough to pull me back. maybe after two or three more updates like this ill play.
  • @teridero1
    the launch issues felt nostalgic pretty broad, instead of the niche or 1% issues poe nowadays has at launch
  • @MacGregor3
    dang thats alot of slam dunks. Reworked skills/balance changes kinda put the weight on content creators to create hype, but hopefully the playerbase of LE can see the potential shift with the rework to channeled spells. Generally very positive, but as per usual, server stability comes first when it comes to people's perception - nothing like not being able to play the game to fuel an angry gamer mob on reddit :]