Filling the Temples

Published 2024-05-02
“Returning to dedicate a temple is a wonderful thing,” President Dallin H. Oaks said in the days prior to dedicating the Urdaneta Philippines Temple.

President Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, and his wife, Sister Kristen M. Oaks, served in the Philippines 20 years ago when he was called to serve as the Philippines Area president for two years while still serving as an Apostle. He said that they focused a lot during those two years on teaching the importance of being worthy to enter the house of the Lord so that more temples could be built in the country.

In this Church News video, titled “Filling the Temples,” President and Sister Oaks testify of the need to fill the temples, not just build temples.

With the construction of more temples around the world, President Oaks said that members of the Church should “be more diligent in teaching the doctrine of the Church, the temple covenants and worthiness.”

Sister Oaks added: “What a great protection the temples are to the world.”

Related links

Church News podcast, episode 185: President and Sister Oaks on the blessing of returning to the Philippines and the Urdaneta temple dedication…

President Oaks dedicates Urdaneta Philippines Temple for faithful Filipino members who ‘believe these things’ and ‘do them’…

As President Oaks prepares to dedicate the Urdaneta temple, he reflects on his service in the Philippines…

All Comments (16)
  • @yznalnoing1
    I feel the Spirit so strong when I am in the temple. Such peace and refuge from the evils of the world.
  • @hpagalla
    TRUE. It is easy to build Temples, but it takes a lot of effort for all LDS Church members to be worthy to worship inside the Temples.
  • @CatchTheBuzz1
    Grateful to see temples dotting the Earth! Many many more are needed to make it accessible and realistic for members to attend even once a month. It would be a huge blessing for many members.
  • @davidfrey5654
    I decided to work only four days instead of five so that I could be an ordinance worker. It has blessed my life beyond measure.
  • @danward3928
    So excited for those in Northern Luzon! Getting to Manila from there was very expensive and time consuming. This will be a huge blessing to those people.
  • @ildenete3235
    Que emocionante! Presidente e Sister Oaks! ❤ Hoje eu compartilhei algo dentro do Templo do que eu sabia com uma irmã desinforma. Eu não sabia que eu sabia tanta coisa do pouco que compartilhei. Porque depois ponderando sobre o ocorrido, não veio de informação mas veio de revelação para mim por isso eu fiquei admirada depois, com o que veio do Espírito. Amo estar no Templo. ❤
  • The temple is the place of refuge, a place of seeking for personal revelation & and place of peace and comfort. I’m grateful for for all this blessing that I receive because of my savior Jesus Christ I’m grateful for our prophet President Nelson, he is the mouthpiece of god on the earth.
  • @nathanparry675
    So many temples announced in recent years... To help the work go forward We need to be faithful in paying our tithing and our fast offerings. We as members also need to pray for the temples in the announced areas that they might have any opposition removed, and a spirit of peace prevade, and that the temples will be built quickly. We can do much through prayer, service, and donating rather than just "waiting" for the temples to be built. And most importantly we need to attend the temples and strive to fully live up to the covenants that we make in those temples. Then will the blessings of "great power and glory" be poured out upon the Saints and the Temples will fulfill their purpose.
  • @ericj3138
    If you’re struggling to fill them, why build them?