The Festivals of YHVH - Book of Leviticus

Published 2024-05-18
Levitical Literature〚 Festivals of YHVH 〛Pentateuch: A New Look - Emor
Leviticus Chapter twenty-three contains a priestly listing of the "Festivals of YHVH." This teaching highlights various terms used by the authors of the Pentateuch to describe these holy days. What is a Moed, Chag, Shabbaton? These questions and more are covered in this class. We also compare and contrast three passages describing the "pilgrim festivals."

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All Comments (8)
    This is the very thing that brought me to the Jewish faith. But finding my mother in my DNA test 4 years. Confirming I WAS already a Jew😘
  • @1NimA0AmiR1
    Moed or appointment/meeting seems similar to (موعد،موعود) in Arabic It’s pronounce and means the same !
  • @bobbygoble9329
    When was Leviticus written? I think Gmirkin argues it was written in the 3rd century BCE.
  • @11BlackLamb
    I didn't put this question in chat as i do not want to upset, but weren't there things adopted by the Israelites during Babylonian captivity like the hexagram, talmud, kabbalah and YHWH? and incorporated into Judaism?