St Kitts and Nevis is not totally free under King Charles III, says PM – BBC News

The prime minister of a Caribbean nation has said his country is "not totally free" as long as King Charles III remains head of state.

Dr Terrance Drew said that a public consultation on whether St Kitts and Nevis should become a republic would begin during his leadership.

He also said he would welcome an apology from the monarchy for its historic links to the slave trade.

Buckingham Palace said the King takes slavery "profoundly seriously".

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コメント (21)
  • As a Brit I say just do it. You don’t have to ask us. You are already free except for in your own minds.
  • Their choice of head of state has been up to them since Independence 1983, nothing to do with the UK
  • Why should the King apologize most of slavery started by black people. So I am not sure why.
  • @vigfhfc
    Welp good luck out there, no Brit would care if you stay or not.
  • @Gunhed507
    Ridiculous. Why is nobody asking Egypt for forgiveness to Israel? This BS as to stop.
  • Well leave the Commonwealth. You cannot hold the King responsible for things that happened hundreds of years ago and NO apology will change the past!
  • @sethh1943
    They could have done this decades ago and the royal family has acknowledged their links to the slave trade. They haven’t left bc they recognize how much the commonwealth does for them. These tiny islands were never meant to be major world powers, sorry.
  • Chinese paymasters demanding such Commonwealth countries divest themselves of any lingering allegiance to the British Monarchy.....Meet the new boss...worse than the old boss.
  • Prince Albert apologised for slavery in 1840 does that mean we have to apologise forever and what about African countries who got very rich from the slave trade why is there no talk of them apologising and paying reparations
  • Fascinating that there can be a British report on St Kitts and Nevis without mention of it being a financial secrecy jurisdiction for global tax avoidance and corruption, and how this would intersect with withdrawal of the monarchy
  • I am not British and it seem politically motivated to speak about this matter shortly after the coronation of the king of England it’s embarrassing and left wing attack to the monarchy shameful
  • If its upsetting them that much, why hesitate? Nothing is stopping them from becoming a republic
  • Why don't they just become a Republic..and they can free themselves?
  • If my grandfather, supposedly was drank, and hurt someone, how many generations must pay for this? The slaves where sold by their black kings. How many generations must pay for our ancestors mistakes. and Putin doesn't pay for anything. Coming from a communist country where my uncle was a political prisoner when the communism came, he was left with nothing and from a reputable lawyer he ended up working as a builder. Or about all the women who suffered in England and everywhere, they were the slave of their husbands, what about the Catholic church that practiced paedophilia, and what About Dalai Lama who asked a child to suck his tang. Charles 3 must pay, but all the others must mot pay. Live in the present people, and let aside the hate and nastiness. Better focus on all these corrupted African and Caribbean countries and ask their leaders to pay now, for their corruption. Stop with this nonsense in this very moment.
  • Why do they need to give an apology for what their ancestors did
  • This family should not be in public, the whole world knows that the decisions they make behind their curtains are terrible.