14 Day Detox Sweat Challenge

Published 2023-04-23
Welcome to your Sweat / Detox 14 Day Workout Challenge

I’m so happy you are here! Depending on your fitness levels this may be all you need to for the next 14 days, some of you may wish to add it on to your daily run or walk, or perhaps, you are adding it on to your regular workout. Whatever your reasons for being here, you are very welcome!

Can anyone do this 14-day workout challenge?

Yes! This 14 Day Workout Program is great for all fitness levels and all ages.
It is perfect if you need a kick start back into a fitness routine, or maybe you would like some accountability and structure.

What equipment do I need?

Bottle of water

Please make sure you warm up and cool down properly. Take the time to make the time, it is important and prevents injury.

Workout description :

I’m going to get to work

15 min workout 45 work 15 rest

Warm up

Body twist - pivot 4 times
Lunge hold -4 Times
Super man hold -4 times

Squat tap - hold
Run stance
Blast of push -ups
Quick feet -jabs
Burpee Squat

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