Why Confess My Sins to a Priest?

Published 2018-02-28
If you’ve ever been in a conversation where you had to defend the Catholic Faith, people have probably asked you this question. It can be a tough one to answer, but Fr. Mike lays out many reasons why confessing our sins to a priest makes perfect sense. Confession isn’t a man-made tradition of the Church but rather a valuable gift given by God and rooted in Scripture.

Fr. Mike is also a presenter in these faith formation programs from Ascension:

Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God (bit.ly/2vQgGRx)
Chosen: This is Your Catholic Faith (bit.ly/2nCKKLK)
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed (bit.ly/2vG9KX2)
YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body (bit.ly/2raspVB)

Get 18 of Fr. Mike’s best Ascension Presents videos in this exclusive DVD from Ascension:
Ascension Presents … Fr. Mike Schmitz (bit.ly/2sKUnJN)

Fr. Mike spoke at the Ascension Cafe during the World Meeting of Families. Watch him and other speakers get fired up over the gospel in the Ascension Cafe DVD (bit.ly/2sYtQaW).


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All Comments (21)
  • As a protestant Christian, this was insightful. Father Mike is often a welcome source of information for my own misconceptions about the Catholic Church.
  • I go today to Confession for the first time in 31 years. Woohoo! I can get the Eucharist again!
  • Confession didn’t make sense to me until I started doing it. It’s truly a gift from God.
  • @mrsk812
    I always cry when giving confession. It’s so emotional for me and a huge release.
  • @urfavebookworm
    I grew up Protestant and I came into the church this Saturday, and was baptized. I haven’t received the sacrament of reconciliation, so I’m back to this video again! Please pray for me as I receive the sacrament!
  • I came into the church at Easter Vigil 2010 from an evangelical background, and I still consider the sacrament of confession to be one of the Church's greatest gifts. For me, the regular practice of it keeps me humble and honest, and I find the words of absolution tremendously healing.
  • @gcdiver
    I was away from the Catholic Church for many years and when I finally returned, made a 3 hour confession to my priest. It was amazing! I greatly appreciate this sacrament (of Mercy) and feel it is the greatest gift to us after the Eucharist. When I’m in sin, i cannot wait to get to reconciliation and know that my sins are forgiven through the ministry of the church. I am so grateful that Jesus continues to tug on my heartstrings and calls me to himself all the time. ✝️
  • @marieotoole364
    Thanks so much Father Mike! You just answered questions I had. I was raised Catholic , but spent 25 years away. So much to re-learn. So many tanks for your down-to-earth and biblical explanations.
  • Going to Confession for the first time in over 3 years! I needed this, thank you Father!!! God is doing amazing things through you Father ❤️
  • Its hard to hold back the tears when father was saying those words, that I hear when I go to confession : "I absolve you of all your sins". Words cannot describe the feelings in that moment, every time. Confession is indeed a place not of defeat but of Victory!
  • Jesus is my High Priest! I’ve got resurrection power living on the inside and so does anyone who accepts Christ. I confess to Father God and not a man. I am Spirit led and He is my moral compass. I am in daily prayer with the Lord. Jesus tore the veil: “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ In baptism it is a public declaration of being in Christ! It’s like a wedding band in a way, being in covenant with the Lord. Blessings to you all!! God is good all the time! 💜 You are loved!
  • @marfish49
    I’m come from a southern baptist background and I always love your videos for being open, honest, and informative! Although we differ on things, I appreciate this channel and you yourself! Thank you for the desire to teach and make things clear
  • HOW. Fr Mike, I am literally in the middle of writing a talk about confession and forgiveness to present at a retreat I'm helping with in a couple weeks. I can't believe the timing of this video! Praise God and thank you so much!!! ❤
  • Father Mike I greatly enjoy your videos! I have been watching them for over a year. I belong to the Church of Christ. For some time now though I have been drawn to the Saints and the Catholic church. I have decided to convert. I am in a loving relationship with a faithful Catholic man. He did not ask this of me rather it came from my heart. Thank you for your videos!
  • @jdubz170ify
    I love confession! There was a point in my life where I was going into mortal sin over, and over, and over again. In confession, I felt so terrible that I kept losing the battle, that when I broke down and cried. Not just because of my wrong doings but also because I knew his forgiveness was going to flood me. I am so thankful for this sacrament, every time I leave the confessional I start over again.
  • @Damian1975
    The beautiful gift of confession. It’s sealed. Confessing to friends is rewarding but you never know if that is going to be used against you down the road or revealed to someone else. Some people love gossip. The seal of confession assures your privacy
  • As one born and raised in the Catholic church, this very issue has always been a thorn in my side and ONE reason I chose to exercise my faith in a different church. This was the best explanation I have ever heard for confessing my sins to a priest. Honestly, it's the first time I've heard a priest admit that going to God first is a good idea, and that it isn't the priest himself who "grants" me forgiveness but God through him. I'm not sure I'll ever fully return to the Catholic church but I do appreciate the clarification I got from this video. Fr Mike, I wish I was closer to your location, I believe we could discuss and break a lot of barriers today's Christians have against the Catholic church.
  • @ddelarosa96
    As an agnostic who was only ever a Protestant, I never understood the reason Catholics went to confession, and this video certainly helped! Thank you!