More out of pocket Tik Toks

Published 2021-06-25

All Comments (21)
  • @teclinsoro4523
    “was aj terminal?” is giving me major “that’s why yo mama dead” vibes
  • ill be having a conversation with my nephew (who is in fact a fortnite child) and he just randomly answers back "did i ask" and honestly its worse than the bullies i had in school
  • @xlilimariex
    Just FYI ducks can go down waterfalls and survive. I have a waterfall by my house and they do it all the time 🥰
  • I agree that Louie should have went even harder on that ableist commenter lmaooo
  • @geonoego
    “was AJ terminal?” 😂😂 shit was outta pocket 😂
  • @lou8591
    "that kid could’ve taxidermied AJ" OUT OF POCKET
  • @harrygeorge7748
    That guy LIT THE FUCK OUT OF XOXOXOXO OH MY GOD, “I’m gonna die by twenty, that’s great, I’ll make sure when I die that I’ll say hi to AJ” LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DUDE
  • @carelsby
    Funeral worker and death enthusiast here: you can't taxidermy humans because, unlike animals, we don't have a thick coat of fur, feathers or scales that would help hide the seams from sewing, as well as the tanned/treated skin. So it would basically look like a wrinkly, brown, gaunt leather pillowcase. When you go to an open casket and the person is embalmed (their blood replaced with formaldehyde), and looks life-like, that only lasts for about two weeks before the body will inevitably start decomposing. The closest we can get is "plastification" (you might have seen that Bodies exhibit online or irl) where the fluids in the body are replaced with liquid plastic. But that doesn't work with the skin, which is why the Bodies pieces are skinless. A bunch of people have tried human taxidermy before, it simply just doesn't work. Now you CAN get mummified, which is probably the closest thing, although corpse laws currently don't allow people to have bodies interred on private property, unless it's cremated remains or in specific cases. Edit: wow i’m so overwhelmed by the amount of likes and comments, thank you! (Even to the people who are critical, haha). Also, i’ve been made aware that you can inter a body on private property depending on state/country laws and submitting correct paperwork.
  • @imanimanuellah
    If a TikTok isn’t hitting that fight or flight response, it ain’t hitting right. Bonus points if it fills you with existential dread. 😌
  • @hannahjoy333.
    Your phrasing and dismissal of “soft core animal death” has made me realize that either I haven’t seen enough animal death or you’ve seen too much
  • @Fidduciari
    "you can still thirst trap with any kind of motorized chair" that's a hot take on our current generation
  • @b.richard7632
    the most out of pocket parts of this video were all noel’s jokes
  • @godofpunder1875
    "Empty your gogurt stick" was by far the most out of pocket thing in this whole video.
  • @beautyfal1784
    Noel: wouldn’t it be cool if we Could taxidermy humans with animals Ancient Egyptians: 🧍🏾‍♀️
  • @_elianacuevas
    “Empty your go-gurt stick” who tf needs a dictionary when you have people like Noel giving us slang everyday 💀
  • being a daycare teacher of this generation… kids be talking about their mom’s tummy tuck and family members in prison
  • “why don’t they do this for humans” think he’s ready to see that one video of a mom who taxidermied her teenage son and kept him in her room? and how the dad didn’t know until two years later? and the body standing there in the corner is actually stuff of nightmares?
  • I don’t get why some of these people volunteer to put this stuff online about themselves. It’s just embarrassing