Published 2024-08-06

All Comments (21)
  • "Islam is for all of mankind." FALSE!! First, the Quran itself makes it clear that Muhammad was sent as a messenger only to the Arabs, not to all of humanity. Surah 34:28 states: "And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know." The word used here for "mankind" is "an-nas" which refers specifically to the Arab people, not all of humanity. Furthermore, the Hadith literature is full of statements that restrict Muhammad's prophethood and message only to the Arabs. For example, the famous Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari states: "I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me...and the spoils of war have been made lawful for me." This clearly indicates that Muhammad's message and authority were unique to him and his Arab followers. Additionally, the Quran commands Muslims to fight and subjugate non-Muslims until they convert or pay the jizya tax. Surah 9:5 states: "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush." This hardly sounds like a message of universal salvation. In contrast, the Christian message of salvation through Jesus Christ is truly universal, open to people of all nations, tribes and tongues. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 commands believers to "go and make disciples of all nations." This is a far cry from the narrow, Arab-centric message of Islam. So in summary, the claim that Islam is for all of mankind is simply not supported by the Quran and Hadith. It is a false narrative promoted by Muslim apologists to make Islam appear more universal than it truly is. As a Christian scholar, I cannot endorse such a distortion of the facts.
  • @imranafg
    La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah. There is none worthy of worship except God (Allah) and Muhammad pbuh is the final messenger messenger of God. TAKBER ALLAHU AKBAR ☝️ Love and peace to all
  • @A25yuub
    Very funny, until he find out what god is in aramaic, and also allah is not name, allah is translated to god, and allah has 99 names. This is easy to understand actually
  • Allah says in the Qur'an: O, people! We created you from a male and a female, and We made you races and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. The best among you before Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knowing and Aware. The word Nas here is People, also it means Mankind because it has the same meaning. Qur'an is for all peoples and all times till the end of this world.
  • @StormXXII
    Without proper research, you end up making videos like this. Must've graduated from McDonald's bathroom
  • @Againstlgbtq1
    Allah is the arabic word for god , god in islam has 99 names
  • @moosa86
    The original name for Jesus in the Greek New Testament is “Iesous” and it is well known that Greeks add “-us” to the end of foreign names in order to make them sound more Greek. If one removes the “-us” from Iesous you arrive at “Ieso” which is a lot closer to the Arabic “Isa” Ieso = عيسي = Isa
  • @ianhepburn9398
    You have just gave me food for thought, Well written and presented
  • @firstclass444
    The writers of the Quran did a very shoddy job which easily passed with flying colours in the 7th century when there was no opposition But with the Quran now undergoing scrutiny the whole work is being turn into shreds
  • @ArifShaikhX
    And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?' " He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. Qur'an 5:116 I wonder how you would be whining on that day
  • @ryuu_3563
    Have you considered for a minute that this may be because at the time of prophet Moses PBUH his people spoke in Hebrew, and so Yahweh (He brings into existence whatever exists) was an appropriate term for God to bestow on them, whereas at the time of prophet Muhammad PBUH his followers spoke in Arabic and so Allah translating to "The God" (the one and only by its Arabic lexical derivation) would also be an appropriate name? Besides, the Quran also reveals 99 names for God that stem from His attributes, such as Al-Rahman (The Merciful), Al-Samad (The Self-Sustained), etc. This shows us that regardless of what name God has provided for us, we have a choice of many synonyms to call him by which relate to his attributes. Many Christian scholars address God as "The Creator", are you going to also argue that The Creator is different from Yahweh which is different from Allah? Islam teaches us that all the prophets were given revelation by the same God, the one and only God. It is expected that different languages and cultures throughout history have influenced what the people of the respective time addressed God by, but it does not change the fundamental belief that all prophets came with the same message, and all worshiped the same God.
  • @Vianilix
    GUYS don't interact with this video, It's clear he wants views.
  • @catsandfun6777
    Learn aramic and learn arabic , Dont tr to make Ur own meanings, U r so much false , Open challenge for U, How the QURAN was written by any man, How the so immense knowledge an illitrate person new it, How the QURAN predictions came true about Roam and Persian empire.
  • @Lion_King-uo7hu
    You can play mischief with the word English word God. For Example: add father to it, become God Father, if you add mother to it, become God Mother, Gods. Also some Gamers use it like I became PVP God, Clutch God. In total you can play mischief with the word God. But you cannot do mischief with the Arabic word Allah. It means one and only God Allah.
  • why is it that i only see christian youtube channels that only focus on disrespecting islam but i never see muslim channels do the same.... like bro just talk about your bible the christian comunity is withering away as it is 🤦‍♂
  • Man as a Muslim you really opened my eyes..........I was leaning towards learning Christianity and I want to learn more about it.I also thought that the Quran is actually illogical sometimes