High Frequency Vs. Low Frequency Inverters... Which is better?

High Frequency Vs. Low Frequency? Which Inverter is better?

00:00 - intro
00:43 - low frequency inverters
02:15 - High Frequency Inverters
03:17 - Comparison

コメント (11)
  • You left out a some critical information when comparing low frequency versus high frequency inverter technology. First of all, modern low frequency inverters offer a higher efficiency rating than the values that you presented in your video. For example, the Schneider Electric XW6048 inverter charger offers a peak efficiency rating of 95.1%. The Outback Power FXR /VFXR inverter chargers, 93% peak efficiency. Magnum Energy PAE series inverter chargers 94% peak efficiency. Sigineer Power (a Chinese brand) 91% peak efficiency. And with energy storage and solar modules pricing currently at historically low levels, Inverter efficiency is no longer the critical issue that it used to be in stationary applications. Second, I feel that surge capacity is a far important issue than what you've mentioned in your video. For example, inductive loads typically draw from 300% to 800% their nominal run current ratings just to get these loads started, and no high frequency, transformerless inverter on the market is capable of producing even a 300% surge rating. The max surge rating for a typical high frequency, transformerless inverter is only 150% to 200%. You might be able to start and run some high surge loads when these high frequency inverters are new, but every time you fire up one of those inductive loads, you're shortening the life of the MOSFETs in these inverters. Third, High frequency, transformerless inverters have a much shorter life expectancy when compared to low frequency inverters. This is due to the amount of electrical stress that a high frequency inverter undergoes because of the inverter's much higher switching speeds. You would have to purchase 2 or 3 high frequency inverters to equal the life expectancy of a high quality low frequency inverter under continuous use applications. And fourth is a safety issue with high frequency, transformerless inverters. Because there is no iron core, copper wound, output isolation, transformer in a high frequency inverter, all it would take is for the AC output monitoring circuitry to fail and one of the MOSFETs in the inverter's H-Bridge circuit to short to ground, and a high frequency inverters can send dangerous, high voltage, high amperage DC current straight to your connected AC loads which will not only damage most AC appliances but can even also set those AC appliances on fire. In light of these reasons, In my professional opinion as an inverter repair tech for the past 24 years, I recommend the installation of a low frequency, transformer based inverter for off grid or conventional residential applications.
  • Thanks for your input Quickquote1568. In what situation(s) do you recommend the usage of high frequency inverters? Thanks
  • @aldente_
    My 4,2kW HF inverter can't handle with 2kW compressor. Inrush current overloads the inverter and it shuts down. Also, turning on a load, even an ordinary refrigerator, causes light to flicker. HF inverters are loud, because of the fans turn on even at low load. LF inverters only hum and the fans turn on at high load. HF inverters can't handle half-current (e.g., cheap hair dryers with 2 speeds, where diode cuts off half a sine wave). LF inverters do not have these afflictions, which is why Victron Multiplus/Quattro is so popular (I wouldn't buy Victron myself). My next inverter will be low frequency one.
  • Given the number of small components and dependence on extreme cooling in an HF inverter can I trust it like an LF to last for years of abuse? HF has evolved over the last few years but so have LF inverters. I'm still skeptical when we are 100% off-grid.
  • @duke5872
    This all wrong.! Ignore HF inverter uses high frequency square wave DCDC the steps up using HF transformer then makes HV AC then rectify ito HVDC the uses inverter
  • @fc436
    you say LF is not more necessary for big inductive loads?? and HF handle good . yes...but if you hav a massive pump that cycle 1000 thousand a day ? HF die in 1 year. low frequency last for life. And more, now have hybrid toroidal transformer inverter that are reliable like classic LF , handle a lot of inductive power, but the same efficiency of HF. If they are a lot of good company that produce both LF and HF, is not true that LF is no more necessary
  • @gushardy4421
    What are POWER frequency inverters? Seems like the newest kid on the block.